Help! My Family Was Exposed to Toxic Lead, Do I Have a Case?

Lead is a toxic metal that has been used from time immemorial for a number of industrial as well as home-made goods. This metal has been shown to accumulate in the human body and cause a number of illnesses including but not limited to cancer. Lead poisoning took center stage a few years ago thanks to the highly publicized Flint Water Crisis which unveiled decades-long lead contamination of water that was being innocently consumed by the inhabitants of Flint, Michigan. Children are particularly susceptible to lead poisoning due to the fact that their livers and other excretory organs haven’t sufficiently developed in order to dump the lead out of their bodies in an efficient manner. If you or someone you love was exposed to lead for a sustained period of time, we’d love to help you get the justice and compensation you’re rightfully entitled to.
Were you a victim of lead contamination? Please contact our experienced lead contamination attorneys NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. The aggressive environmental toxins attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS or legal experience, which means that there really is nothing we haven’t seen on the legal front, and we are cognizant of all the tricks defendants and insurance companies use to stall cases and investigations, putting us in a unique position of power to get you the compensation you deserve. Lead contamination can have lasting health effects, so it is vital that you get maximum compensation. Please contact us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation when it comes to lead contamination lawsuits. We work on contingency fee basis, which means that we don’t charge you ANYTHING until we recover compensation on your behalf. Serving all victims of lead contamination countrywide.
Lead Exposure – How Does it Happen?
Even though there have been giant strides made with regard to stopping and eliminating the use of lead in the world, some problems still remain such as the presence of lead pipes as well as lead-coated toys imported into the country. Children are especially sensitive to the toxic effects of lead as it can accumulate in brain tissue causing cognitive and development issues, as well as the nervous system, leading to seizure and other disorders, as well as damage the kidneys leading to kidney failure, and in some cases, death. Lead doesn’t biodegrade, so it can linger in the environment for decades, which means that a certain area can be contaminated for generations, with people falling sick but not knowing what it is exactly that is causing their illness. In fact, lead buildup in the body is so insidious that when a person that is contaminated finds out, it is usually too late to do anything lasting from a medical standpoint.
Lead contamination can be found in the following mediums:
- Water – lead pipes that were installed decades ago before governments knew about how toxic this compound could be are still in use in some towns and cities across the nation. Municipal councils are rushing to replace these pipes, but it’s still not enough. Lead also has the tendency to seep into groundwater, which when pumped for human consumption can lead to its ingestion. One such area that is still replete with lead pipes happens to be Washington, D.C., which has over 20,000 lead pipes, and is rushing to replace them.
- Paint – Lead paint is notoriously dangerous given the potential for said paint to flake and be inhaled by the inhabitants of a home. Lead paint can be a problem in houses where it has been painted over by other fresh coats of paint as the lead can chip over time, and be slowly released in the air in an unsuspecting manner. The problem of lead paint is so extreme that it is thought that there are over 24 MILLION homes in the United States that still have lead paint on their walls.
- Soil – Lead can be deposited in the environment particularly if there are foundries in said environment given this industry’s propensity to work with lead on an extensive basis. Manufacturing plants are also known to deposit lead and other chemical byproducts of the manufacturing process into landfills, and the soil moves and covers large swathes of land. In addition, smokestack extensions can blow lead into the air over large distances, which then goes on to settle on soil, some of which includes farmland soil.
Here are some of the signs and symptoms of lead contamination:
- Breathing difficulties
- Confusion
- Cognitive issues
- Behavioral problems
- Constipation
- Sudden and unexplained weight loss
- Abdominal discomfort
- Irritability
- Learning disability
- Hearing loss
- Red blood cell abnormalities
- Aggression and mood swings in children
- Fatigue
- Reduced appetite
How to Check for Lead Poisoning
If you suspect lead poisoning in your child or anyone else in your home, it is vital that you see a physician for a skin prick test which is pretty definitive when it comes to checking for the presence of elevated lead levels in the blood. This test will help you remove your loved ones from the environment that is contaminated and you may start to experience relief within a short amount of time after leaving said environment.
Lead Paint in Homes and Toys – What’s The Problem?
Homes that were built prior to 1970 were painted with lead-based paint in both exterior and interior walls. In addition, those drinking and using municipal water in any way are more likely to show signs of lead contamination. Lastly, children’s toys manufactured in China are more likely to contain lead, so make it a point to purchase toys made in the USA or in neighboring countries that have complied with federal safety notices and are committed to good manufacturing practices.
Experienced Lead Contamination Attorneys – Call Us Today!
If your child or anyone else in your home was exposed to lead and has shown definitive signs and tested positive for the same, we can help. Please contact us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. Regardless of whether your landlord or property owner denies culpability, or if this exposure happened in an area you no longer live in, you have every right to get compensated. Our lead exposure attorneys are waiting, and the call is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.