Helpful Tips for National Seat Check Saturday in Illinois

National seat check day is coming up this weekend, and it’s your responsibility as a parent to ensure that your loved ones stay safe while in the family vehicle. Statistics point to the fact that car accidents are the leading cause of death for children, an unacceptable occurrence as over 90 percent of car accidents can be traced to human error. These accidents are therefore preventable, and enhancing safety within your vehicle will not only lessen the risk, but may actually save the lives of your loved ones if done well.

Are you looking for a car accident attorney in Illinois? Our Chicago accident lawyers help injured individuals in the greater Chicagoland area, other cities within the state as well as those that live in Northwest Indiana and satellite counties and cities. We’ve recovered tens of millions for past clients, and we have an aggressive and experienced team ready to give your case the attention that it deserves. Please call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to receive your free, no-commitment consultation to determine the true value of your case.

To help keep your child safe this National seat check Saturday, here are a few guides:

  • Always work with a certified professional when you go have your seats checked: ask to see their certification before commencing on providing the service.
  • Your child passenger safety technician is trained to teach you how to install the seat, so ask as many questions as you can, and don’t move on to the next step until you’re satisfied.
  • If you have a new car seat, install it beforehand and read and apply the instructions that came with the seat. Once at the technician’s, ask what it is you did wrong, and watch them as they do it the right way.
  • Discuss with your technician what other safety guidelines you can and should apply in and around the vehicle.
  • Make sure to ask if your car seat model has had past or recent recalls
  • Check for the seat’s expiration date or any weaknesses in seat integrity

Here’s how you can ensure your child’s safety while driving:

  1. Use rear-facing seats if your child is under 24 months and 30 pounds
  2. If your child is too big for this seat position, it’s OK to use a forward-facing one
  3. Children can stop using these seats once they reach the maximum allowable seat weight and are over 40 inches tall
  4. Use a booster seat if your child hasn’t reached their 8th birthday, and are between forty and fifty-seven inches tall
  5. Don’t forget to ensure your child is strapped in via a seat belt while they are in the car, and that they ride while in the backseat until after their 13th

Accident Attorneys in Illinois – Call Now!

Child passenger safety is important given the impact of a car accident on the young. As a result, you want to do everything you can to guarantee their safety. If you or a loved one was injured in an Illinois car accident due to someone else’s negligence or a defective vehicle part, we can help. Please call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW for your free consultation to find out more about the true value of your case. We look forward to speaking with you.