How Do I Qualify for OPM Disability Benefits? Start Here

Federal disability retirement, also known as OPM disability retirement is a government program that seeks to help injured federal workers that may have sustained severe injuries to necessitate their retirement. It provides injured postal workers and other federal workers access to monthly payments, the ability to work at a reduced salary at a career that suits their new reality, as well as insurance payments made by the federal government.
Are you looking to get into federal disability retirement as an injured worker? For over 25 years, we’ve helped injured federal workers just like you get the compensation they deserve. Given the complexity of the process, it is important that you work with an OPM attorney in order to not only have your claim accepted, but also apply for maximum compensation under all the various benefits you are eligible for. Please call us at (773) 825-3605 for your 100% FREE, no-commitment consultation into your legal options for compensation as an injured federal worker.
In order to quality as an injured federal worker for OPM disability:
- You must have worked for the federal government for 18 months
- You must be a federal employee
- Your injuries must make it impossible for you to carry out work-related duties
FERS Disability – How Do I Qualify?
Time is of the essence when applying for FERS disability benefits. The laws state that you must apply for compensation as an injured federal worker within A YEAR of your separation from your position as a federal employee, failure to which you will not qualify now or in the future. Documentation is perhaps the most important aspect of OPM disability. There are certain papers available from us that you must fill in as well as your Social Security Disability paperwork, and medical opinion paperwork detailing your injuries in a medically objective and impartial manner.
OPM Disability – The Burden of Proof Lies With You
In order to qualify for injured federal worker benefits, you must be able to show the connection between your injuries and the manner in which they prevent you from carrying out your work duties as an injured postal worker or any other federal worker. It is tempting to believe that you can go through the whole process alone just by carrying out extensive research on the internet; however, there are intricacies that may not be discussed on internet forums that only experienced OPM disability lawyers may be privy to: going it alone may risk your claim being denied, wasting time and then contacting us to have the OPM decision reversed via an appeal.
Injured Federal Workers – Call Us Today for Free!
A lot of clients ask us – “how hard is it to get FERS disability?” The truth is that with a competent FERS disability attorney by your side, and with all the paperwork in place, most claims get accepted. However, it is important to leave the heavy lifting to the experts: don’t try to figure out the whole process on your own: call us NOW at (773) 825-3605 to speak with an experienced OPM disability attorney at NO COST to you. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.