Important Information About Form OWCP-915

As an injured federal worker, once your claim has been accepted, you can get to the business of seeking treatment if you haven’t already. However, there’s the anxiety that stalks most injured postal workers regarding if OWCP will reimburse their out-of-pocket expenses, which can rack up in the thousands for those who have to travel long distances in order to get treatment due to their towns or cities not having physicians who specialize in treating their condition or injury, or due to the lack of facilities or technology to do the same.
Are you an injured federal worker seeking compensation? Regardless of where you are in the compensation process, we can help speed things up for you. If you’ve only started doing research on federal workers’ compensation, or are not happy with the way your injured federal worker attorney is handling your case, please contact us at 1-855-233-3002 and we’d be happy to help you. For over two decades, McCready, Garcia & Leet has helped hundreds of injured federal workers get maximum compensation in relation to their injuries or occupational illnesses. Don’t go it alone, and don’t pick an attorney who doesn’t have the proven results that we do: get it right the first time by calling our best federal workers’ compensation lawyers TODAY at 1-855-233-3002 for your FREE, no-commitment legal consultation.
Thanks to legislation passed by FECA, or the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, as well as the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act and the Black Lung Benefits Act, you are entitled to reimbursement for the money you spend taking care of medical costs and related expenses to deal with the treatment of your accepted condition by OWCP. This is made possible by OWCP 915, a form that can help you get reimbursed for a number of things we’ll take a look at shortly.
Important Information About Form OWCP-915
First, it is important to note that form OWCP-915 cannot be submitted electronically; it must be mailed to OWCP or handed over to your supervisor so it can be submitted to the district office. In addition, you will be required to submit separate OWCP-915 forms if you received medical services from different physicians and/or medical centers. In submitting the form, make sure to send over ORIGINAL bills in order to be reimbursed as copies are not accepted with the exception of said copies having the provider’s signature, showing clearly that you paid for the service. There’s also the issue of the maximum allowable charge which is set by the Director’s schedule which is a maximum dollar amount you can receive after you pay for a medical service regardless of how much you paid out-of-pocket for it.
Form OWCP-915 can be used to claim reimbursement for:
- Incidental expenses
- Medical expenses
- Loss of wages
- Transportation costs
OWCP requires that you submit this form after having reached maximum medical improvement. In addition, you may have to submit other forms if you already paid for your primary medical procedures as well as itemized bills.
Best Federal Workers’ Compensation Attorneys – Call Us Today!
There’s so much we haven’t talked about in this post given the unique circumstances behind every claim that we’d love to chat with you to see how and where we can help you secure federal workers’ compensation regardless of which stage of compensation you’re in. For a friendly legal consult with one of our expert injured federal worker attorneys, simply call 1-855-233-3002 and speak with us for free regarding your claim. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.