In It for the Long Haul – Long-Term Implications of Federal Worker Injuries

Federal workers form the foundation of the government, and nothing moves without them. To this end, their health must be prioritized in order to ensure efficiency to Americans across the country. Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes, injuries that we never anticipated can happen. These injuries can be minor, such as broken arms or sprains, to catastrophic, such as spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. Whether you work in the department of forestry, defense, deliver mail as a USPS worker, or perform administrative work within the many federal offices, you deserve the best medical care. These injuries can also sometime lead to unexpected long-term consequences, and as a result, you must educate yourself as an injured federal worker on these consequences so you can mitigate them in a timely manner as you work your way back to good health.
Are you looking for a best federal workers’ compensation attorney? Please call us at 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our best federal workers’ compensation lawyers serving a countrywide clientele. The experienced and friendly lawyers at McCready Law have over three decades of experience helping individuals just like you successfully apply for and receive federal workers’ compensation benefits in a timely manner. We serve injured federal workers countrywide, have a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), and we are responsive, efficient and provide you with access to medical and associated resources so you can focus on getting better. For more information on how you can get started on your federal workers’ compensation claim for FREE, call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our friendly and helpful attorneys.
Chronic Pain Due to Musculoskeletal Injuries
One of the major long-term complications that injured federal workers face due to musculoskeletal injuries is chronic pain. Slipping and falling on your back, sustaining a shoulder injury due to carrying heavy loads, repetitive strain injuries of the wrist and a severely sprained ankle can bring with it ongoing chronic pain. This pain can be unrelenting but respond to medications such as steroid injections and anti-inflammatory patches, gels and pills, and you can make a sustained recovery with long periods of convalescence or recovery only to be hit by the return of said chronic pain due to either reinjuring the same spot upon work resumption, or simply due to disease progression, especially if the injury was deemed permanent.
Chronic pain can have a profound negative impact on your quality of life, and even make it impossible, in some cases, to carry out work duties. You may also face the need for additional surgery and ongoing physical therapy, which may mean more time off work, position reassignment, and weeks, or even months of physical therapy, all of which can be mentally and financially draining.
Neurological Complications due to Catastrophic Injuries
Federal workers who may have suffered traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury may start to experience puzzling complications related to their injuries such as dizziness, personality changes, involuntary limb movement, feelings of numbness and an inability to raise an affected arm or leg, sudden collapse, confusion, depression, poor vision, difficulty swallowing, memory and cognitive issues, peripheral neuropathy, loss of bowel and bladder control, and so much more. These neurological complications, however, are not the end of the world, and can sometimes be corrected with timely physical therapy, medications, surgery, brain exercises and ensuring a rich and varied social life where possible in order to maintain and strengthen motor and fine skills where possible.
Mental Health Aspects of Federal Worker Injuries
A lot of us take for granted the fragility and utility of our mental wellbeing until something happens to us. Long-term effects of injuries faced by federal workers will almost always manifest themselves in the spiraling of their mental health. The accident they suffered may bring forth feelings of sadness, fear and hyper vigilance, which when in full bloom, sets the stage for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a complex and difficult to resolve mental health condition. Being out of work, or being unable to carry out one’s previous duties can lead to depression and anxiety on account of the powerlessness associated with the traumatic event, loss of mobility, the resultant isolation and the perception of being alone in this experience.
If your mental health was affected due to your suffering a complicated injury, help is available via timely therapy sessions and medication, as well as joining groups of individuals who have faced the same issues, helping you have a support system you can lean on which can go a long way in hastening your recovery from depression, anxiety and PTSD, and back to good mental health in no time. However, getting these conditions accepted as part of your case would be key to protecting your benefits.
Respiratory Illnesses Associated With Federal Worker Injury
Federal workers may have to work in areas where poor air quality is the norm, such as those that work in industrial zones, dry and polluted areas, and even in areas that are notorious for inclement and severe weather. These individuals may over time start to have problems with their breathing, physical endurance and may face constant and persistent infections such as bronchitis as well as asthma attacks. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD is a condition that develops over time, and its effects are not well appreciated until it is often too late.
Those that work in firefighting may also be diagnosed with lung cancer after a couple of decades fighting forest and army base fires, and may have to contend with expensive and complicated chemotherapy and radiation sessions. All these respiratory illnesses can severely limit a federal workers’ ability to work effectively, diminish their quality of life and may require lifestyle changes, aggressive treatment and reassignment to accommodate their health issue. Occupational illnesses are one of the more severe injuries or conditions faced by federal workers for which adequate attention must be given, so do not be afraid of speaking out by reaching out to us at 312-444-0214 so you can maintain your dignity as an injured or sick federal worker by helping you apply for and receiving compensation during this difficult time.
Financial Effects of Federal Worker Injuries
Injured federal workers may experience an interruption in their income flow, and may even have trouble keeping up with their bills due to the nature of their condition and OWCP’s delay in processing claims. If you suffered an injury severe enough that requires you to take time out of work, there may be a period where you may not be able to earn a living due to being away from work, and this can force you to dip into your savings, and before long, even this pot may be depleted.
Costly Medical Procedures Can Financially Decimate You
Healthcare is a costly affair in America, and people who find themselves with a medical emergency know only too well the financial fallout that can come from needing urgent medical care. Injured federal workers may feel the pinch on a more pronounced level owing to the fact that their injuries may persist and require multiple trips to the ER, medical scans, specialized surgeries, the fitting of braces and the purchasing of assistive devices. If you don’t have your benefits coming in already, you may find yourself on the verge of bankruptcy and even homelessness in no time. This is perhaps one of the reasons why we urge prospective clients to seek out timely legal representation offered by our nationally recognized law firm so there is little to no interruption with regard to your income.
Lost Wages – An Unnecessary Consequence of Federal Worker Injuries
Lost wages are a huge concern for injured federal workers who may worry about how to get by after suffering a life-altering injury. Ongoing daily expenses don’t just stop simply because you suffered an injury: you will need to take care of your mortgage, water, electric, childcare and other bills, and collection companies won’t be sympathetic if you fall behind on these expenses. The associated stresses of financial hardship can further worsen your overall health and wellbeing, and even plunge you into depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, every time a denial is appealed, it can be months before you receive a new decision from OWCP to get your case accepted and the chance for them to pay your lost wages.
If you lost a loved one who worked for the federal government, the agency may be required to compensate you, the spouse or loved one and your immediate family for your loss, a stipend known as survivor benefits as well as the costs associated with the upcoming funeral.
FECA Is on Your Side
Thankfully, laws exist to help you stay afloat and even survive the long-term consequences of your injuries as a federal worker. To begin with, FECA or the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act makes it legally possible for you to seek compensation if you get injured. This act has outlined who’s eligible for these benefits, the process they must follow, and the various forms of benefits one is entitled to. Unfortunately, the Claims Examiners are not always helpful in explaining how to navigate this process, which is where we can assist you.
The Americans with Disabilities Act Was Made for You
If you developed a long-term disability but feel that you can still be of service to the federal government, the Americans with Disabilities Act is on your side: this is because this act requires all agencies to provide you with reasonable accommodations so you can resume working. Some of the ways in which this can be accomplished includes moving your schedule around, providing you with special computers or desks making accessibility a breeze, as well as reworking your position to reflect your injury status.
We’re Here to Help – Contact Our Experienced Federal Compensation Attorneys Today!
If you’re a federal worker facing long-term health complications and even disability due to your injuries, we can help: it is important to understand that nothing will move unless you do, and going it alone may mean leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table, as well as ongoing pain and suffering that can be alleviated by making sure your rights are protected and advocated for via the stellar legal services offered by our law firm. Don’t suffer alone, and don’t let precious compensation days pass you by: please call our experienced, compassionate and friendly federal workers’ compensation attorneys NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about how we can help you recover compensation for your long-term injuries as a federal worker. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from and helping you.