Traffic accidents are a reality that none of us can ignore. That being said, the efforts of law enforcement and general public sensitization seem to have paid off looking at car accident statistics in our state. Car accidents can change the lives of whole families and communities, and it is important to be aware of the gravity of this problem so that you can take the necessary steps to protect you and your family.
General Car Accident Statistics in Indiana
Looking at figures released by NHTSA, the federal transport body, it is obvious that fatalities in car crashes in Indiana have been on the downswing for about 9 years now. In 2015, 298 people lost their lives compared 363 in traffic accident fatalities in the urban areas of Indiana towns and cities in 2006. At the same time, 523 people lost their lives in Indiana car accidents in rural areas in 2015, in comparison to 539 in 2006.
Indiana Passenger Vehicle Fatalities
When it comes to passenger vehicle fatalities, NHTSA divided these into unrestrained vs restrained to show the importance of putting on a seatbelt. It is common knowledge that a seatbelt helps prevent a passenger from being ejected from a car as well as coming into contact with the windshield, the back of a chair and other parts of a vehicle which may inflict serious injuries on an individual. With regard to numbers, 279 people died in 2015 compared to 263 in 2006 when it came to restrained passengers, and 221 people passed on in 2015 vs 209 for restrained passenger data. It is important to note that being restrained isn’t the only thing that plays a role in passenger safety, and that your seat position also matters and can mean the difference between not surviving and only coming away from the event with injuries.
In total, 1,163 drivers were involved in fatal crashes in 2015, and the majority of these were 21 years old and above, with the second highest age group dying being drivers under 21, with 120 of these dying in the same time period.
Staying Safe on Indiana Roads
Part of the reasons for the occurrence of accidents on Indiana roads include unsafe backing, driving in inclement weather, not adhering to traffic rules and improper lane usage and turning. It is important to drive while keeping in mind that there are other drivers on the road you should be mindful of at all times.
Injured in an Indiana car accident which wasn’t your fault? Call our Indiana car crash attorney Michael McCready today on 877-561-3004 for your free and confidential consultation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing from you.