Injured at The Gym? The Only Compensation Guide You Need to Read

Gyms have become synonymous with fitness which has developed a cult-like status in modern day America where everyone is looking to look and feel great. With diabetes on the rise and heart disease being one of the top three killers of Americans, fitness has become a billion dollar industry as millions of us head to these facilities at least three times a week in an effort to burn some fat as well as become stronger and healthier. Gyms make you sign release forms which are provided for one-time attendants, or are part of your contract which you sign when you first join the gym, whether electronically or physically. A release form absolves gyms of any and all liability in the event that you get injured.
In addition, injuries that occur in most gyms are highly contested by management who state the assumption of risk doctrine where it is said you were aware of the inherent risk of the gym activities you were planning to engage in, and because of this, it could be legally assumed that any injuries were a natural consequence of this risk thereby locking you out of seeking justice and compensation. With all that being said, the legal concept of premises liability where property owners owe you a duty of care to reasonably ensure your safety as long as you are an invitee or have accessed their premises for a specific purpose. The breach of this duty of care leading to you suffering injuries can be grounds for a gym injury lawsuit, but these cases are so complex and nuanced, that you will need the services of an experienced recreational activities injury attorney, for which we’d be pleased to offer you during this difficult time.
Are you looking for a best gym injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. For close to three decades, the experienced sporting and gym injuries lawyers at McCready Law have helped thousands of injured Americans from all walks of life recover compensation after getting injured by the negligent actions of other individuals or corporations. We’ve successfully been able to recover over $250 million for clients in the process, and our commitment to garnering the best outcome is seen in our history of litigating cases which warrant the same and winning hundreds of thousands and even millions for catastrophically injured clients who had their lives permanently changed by these injuries. In contrast, most law firms simply choose to engage the insurance companies in hurried settlement negotiations which often see the client hold the short end of the stick and receive a paltry payout. In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of referral law firms and attorneys, we also run a bilingual firm (hablamos Espanol) and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of the claim, as we only levy our fees at the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. If you were injured at the gym and believe negligence had a huge role to play in your injuries, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about how we can help via a 100% FREE legal consultation with one of our experienced gym and sporting injuries lawyers – our intake team is standing by.
Gym Owners and Management Responsibilities in Preventing Injury
Gym owners and managers are charged with the responsibility of making sure that the gym environment is safe for patrons. This can be accomplished in a number of ways such as:
- Equipment maintenance such as ensuring they are inspected on a regular basis, old or damaged or worn out parts are replaced and any machine issues are resolved in a reasonable and timely manner.
- They are also required to ensure that the environment is clean and mopped regularly to minimize the occurrence of slip-and-fall accidents.
- Gym owners must also have well-trained and experienced staff who understand and can apply emergency procedures, enforce safety protocols as well as show patrons on how to safely and properly use equipment as well as administer first aid in case someone gets injured.
Proving Gym Injury Claims for Compensation
Gym injuries are complex, and not everyone is entitled to compensation unless some factors are present. As an injured patron, you can only have a valid claim if you can prove that the gym management or staff had a duty of care towards you, they breached this duty, and that the breach was the direct cause of your injuries, and that your injuries can be quantified by way of damages. In addition, there may be some instances that the patron was partly responsible for their injuries due to not following instructions regarding machine use and as such, may only receive reduced compensation based on the percentage of fault apportioned to them.
Best Gym and Recreational Activities Attorneys – Call Us Today!
Documentation is everything when it comes to seeking compensation for injuries. To this end, it is important that you seek immediate medical attention after suffering an injury at the gym as your medical report as well as treatment course, receipts and prescription notes will all corroborate the fact that you were indeed injured as well as show the severity of said injury. In addition, objective medical reports from your healthcare provider are held in high regard by courts because they are factual and demonstrate causation. In addition, report the injury to management in a timely manner and have them document it, but avoid apologizing for anything and be measured in your statements as anything recorded may be used against you to demonstrate comparative negligence. Last but certainly not least, reach out to our experienced gym injuries attorneys at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about how we can help you recover compensation before speaking to the insurance company so we can preserve the integrity of your potential gym injury lawsuit. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and we look forward to helping you. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.