Injured by a Contractor While Staying at a Hotel? Compensation Secrets Hotels Will Hide from You

Hotels are vibrant areas where bustling activity seems to go on every single day, in every area. As a guest, you may not know this, but the reality is that most, if not all, hotels hire outside contractors to take care of things like cleaning, catering, pest control, security, transportation, and so much more. This means that at any given time, you, as the guest, may come into contact with a third-party vendor going about their business. Injury hazards exist in all hotels, and because of this, the law requires that you are provided with a standard of care that is meant to keep you safe. For instance, hotel management can put up signs about any cleaning or maintenance works going on, cordon off the pool so young ones do not accidentally access this area, and lock doors or prevent access to the rooftop unless there is security to supervise the area. In addition, hotel management is required to warn guests about the presence of injurious agents such as a hot plate, mop up spills in a timely manner, and ensure any live wires, staircases, and even torn carpeting, all of which could lead to a serious injury, are resolved promptly. Hotel injuries are overseen by premises liability law, which holds different individuals or entities liable should you, the guest, be injured or fall sick due to a negligent act, for which you may be able to recover substantial compensation depending on the circumstances and extent of the injury. However, what happens when the injury is caused by a third party and not the hotel staff or management itself? This is a complicated matter that requires the experienced eyes of a hotel injury attorney, and we’d love to take a deep dive into this topic for you.
Are you looking for the best hotel injuries attorney? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced premises liability lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of combined legal experience where we’ve helped thousands of injured Americans from all walks of life seek compensation after getting hurt by the negligent actions of individuals or large entities or corporations. The McCready Law difference lies in the fact that we are not afraid to litigate cases that warrant it. Litigation requires expertise, experience and significant financial and time resources, things that most law firms do not possess or do not want to spend, and instead go for low hanging fruit presented via insurance company negotiations where the client more often than not ends up with a paltry settlement, if at all.
In addition to having nationwide reach, we run a bilingual firm (hablamos Espanol), and we take all cases on contingency fee basis which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of your claim as we only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. If you’d like to know the true value of your potential hotel injury claim at NO COST to you, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable personal injury lawyers – our intake team is standing by.
Third Party Contractor Hotel Injuries – Who Is Responsible?
Here are some of the third parties that may be found within a hotel setting:
- A catering company may be subcontracted to take care of food and refreshments during a seminar or wedding and as such, may take up a significant area of the hotel
- A maintenance company may be called in to look at the hotel’s elevators to service them once a year, cordoning off these areas from the public
- A security firm may be subcontracted to take care of the hotel’s staff and guests’ safety and wellbeing, and a lapse in their job performance may expose you to assault or even theft
- Transportation companies may be hired to come to the hotel to pick up guests so they can go on excursions or do airport transfers
All these third parties have the potential to cause harm to guests if they do not perform their duties in a reasonable manner or fail to warn guests about any hazards they themselves may create in the line of duty. That said, liability for injuries in such cases is not as simple as if your injuries were caused by hotel staff or management negligence. Third party liability usually applies in such cases, and it is a legal principle which holds one party for another party’s actions or negligence, depending on their relationship. To this end, the hotel is held liable for the negligent acts of its contractors or employees as long as certain conditions exist.
Can Hotel Management Still Be Held Liable for My Injuries?
The scenarios where the hotel may be held liable include the following:
- The negligent act must occur within the scope of the contractor’s responsibility, such as in the case of elevator repairmen failing to put up “out of service” signs outside faulty elevators leading to an injury when a guest uses it
- The hotel must have a degree of control over the contractor’s work in order for them to be held liable, like if there are set rules on the time and location when and where the subcontractor can work, hotel liability may kick in.
Indemnification in Hotel Injury Claims -What Does This Mean?
The legal theory of indemnification refers to a contractual agreement where one party agrees to compensate another for any damages or losses. Hotels may attempt to get out of paying for your injuries if there is a clause in the contract between them and the contractor stipulating that the contractors are solely responsible for any injuries caused by their negligence. That said, indemnification isn’t watertight, and if it is discovered that the hotel’s own negligence led to you suffering injuries, they can be held liable. Lastly, if indemnification clauses are ambiguous or overly complicated, they may be voided in a court of law, awarding you damages.
Timely Legal Representation for Injured Hotel Guests – Call Us Today!
If you were injured by a third party contractor while staying at a hotel, you may be eligible for a number of damages such as the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, loss of enjoyment of life, the cost of bringing forth a lawsuit, rehabilitation costs, and so much more. Before signing anything or speaking with the insurance company, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to preserve your right to file a lawsuit and recover the compensation you truly deserve. Thank you for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.