
Injured By a Defective Nail Gun? Legal Help Inside

If you’ve done a home improvement project, chances are that you’ve worked with a nail gun. Despite their convenience over regular hammers, nail guns are responsible for over 37,000 injuries every year. These mechanized devices have also been the subject of recalls over the year when it was discovered that a manufacturing defect could lead to serious injuries in consumers. Nail gun injuries tend to be catastrophic, and it’s not uncommon for people to get electrocuted, lose their eyes and other organs in the blink of an eye. If you’re a construction worker or someone that works in home repair, you trust your employer to offer you proper training when it comes to handling a nail gun as well as provide you with the necessary safety gear as well as maintain these work implements on a regular basis, failure to which you can file a nail gun injury lawsuit to help recover compensation.

Were you injured by a nail gun? If you believe that your injuries were directly caused by the negligence of someone else such as your employer not maintaining or purchasing faulty nail guns, a manufacturing defect or the lack of safety instructions in commercial nail guns, you may be able to file a nail gun lawsuit to recover compensation. Please contact us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. McCready Law has been at the forefront of fighting for people unfairly injured by defective products as well as those in unsafe work environments for over 90 YEARS, and we’d love to put this experience to work for you. We take on all cases on a contingency fee basis, so you never have to worry about legal fees until the completion of your case, and your first legal consultation with us is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Please call our nail gun injury attorneys TODAY at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about how we can help.

Some of the causes of nail gun accidents include:

  • Double firing of the gun, or a misfire
  • Safety mechanism disablement
  • Too much force causing the nail to go all the way into the wood
  • Lack of eye wear when operating nail guns
  • Nail gun ricochet due to a product defect
  • A defect in the safety mechanism system causing accidental discharge

Legal Help For Nail Gun Injuries – Call Us Today!

It is important to understand that nail guns are very dangerous power tools and as such, should be examined and maintained regularly for defects as well as signs of wear and tear. Your employer should also make sure that you are adequately trained and that safety checks are carried out regularly to keep you safe at all times. As a consumer using a nail gun in the privacy of your own home, nail gun manufacturers are held by a duty of care that is meant to keep you safe by making sure that nail gun makers follow all the manufacturing protocols needed to produce a fully functional product before it hits the market. Failure to do so is tantamount to breach of duty of care, and you are free to file a nail gun injury lawsuit under product liability law to recover compensation. Have you been hurt by a nail gun? Let’s help you get compensated: please call our nail gun injury lawyers NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your settlement value. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.