Injured in an Auto Accident Caused by a Government Agency – Start Here for Timely Compensation

Auto accidents are some of the most traumatic things one can go through in life due to the resultant injuries and the complications that ensue shortly after. Accidents can have you questioning the very fabric of reality, wondering why this happened to you, and how to pick up the pieces concerning your health, employment, and recovery. Auto accidents usually don’t happen organically with no known cause – negligence is thought to play a 90 percent role in all the accidents that happen in the world, as nothing is without cause and effect. To this end, it is possible to hold an individual or entity liable for your injuries as long as you can demonstrate that said individual or entity had a duty of care towards you and breached said duty of care, resulting in your suffering compensable damages. However, what happens when this individual or entity is a governmental organization or works for one? Such cases tend to be nuanced, and the topic of immunity often comes up when assessing auto accidents that involve government officials or agencies. Because of this, you need the keen and experienced eyes of the best auto accident attorney to determine what you can recover with regard to compensation, and we’re here to help you along this difficult but necessary journey.
Are you looking for a skilled auto accident injury attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced auto injury lawyers at McCready Law have in tandem over 50 years of combined experience helping thousands of injured Americans from all walks of life where we’ve recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for past clients, and it would be an honor to extend the same esteemed legal services to you. What sets us apart from the competition is our commitment to litigating all viable cases to the fullest extent of the law so we can get you the highest amount of compensation possible. In contrast, most law firms simply engage in insurance company negotiations in order to get clients a paltry and insufficient settlement just so they can get them out of the way and churn as many cases as possible. In addition to our nationwide reach, we also take on all cases on contingency fee basis, meaning there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of your claim, as we will only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. If you were injured in an auto accident and are wondering if you have a valid claim, simply give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our experienced auto injury lawyers at NO COST to you – our intake team is standing by.
Can You Sue the Government if They Were Responsible for Your Auto Accident?
Claims against government entities such as the federal government, the ministry of defense and so on, can be tricky, and auto accidents involving these and other similar entities are handled in a different manner due to a legal concept known as sovereign immunity. This, simply put, is a legal doctrine that prevents government entities from being sued without their consent.
How and Why Does Sovereign Immunity Protect Government Entities from Litigation?
The idea behind sovereign immunity lies in the school of thought that the state should not become overwhelmed by litigation in order to protect its ability to carry out its governmental functions. Sovereign immunity can trace its roots back to English common law, where the phrase “the king can do no wrong” was propagated as a means of protecting the functioning of government from lawsuits or complaints that could potentially undermine public order. In the U.S., sovereign immunity was made part of constitutional law, cementing its positions in the annals of the law. Sovereign immunity was also made law because it was believed that unrelenting litigation could potentially waste taxpayer resources over time, leaving society bereft of essential services.
Statutory Waivers that Cancel Out Sovereign Immunity
That being said, there exist statutory waivers with regard to sovereign immunity that one can look into if they were injured due to the actions of governmental institutions. For instance, negligent actions by government employees do not enjoy sovereign immunity, particularly when performing work duties.
For example, if a federal officer is involved in an accident as they are rushing to the scene of a crime, you may be able to recover damages. That being said, there are certain conditions which must be met in order to have a valid claim, such as adhering to a strict notice period or timeline within which one can bring forth a claim.
Secondly, if you were involved in an accident due to defective public infrastructure such as inadequate signage, poorly maintained roads, or the lack of street or highway lights, it may be possible to file a claim in order to hold government entities liable for your injuries which occurred on account of these defects. That said, the defective infrastructure claim requires that you demonstrate the government entity had constructive or actual knowledge of the defect but failed to take the needed action to repair said defect.
The third waiver which may allow to bring forth a claim against a government entity involves accidents caused by or involving public transportation systems. In many jurisdictions across the country, it is legally opined that government-operated transportation services have a duty of care towards their passengers as well as the public to keep them safe as they use their services. Therefore, if a government train or bus driver operates their vehicle in a negligent manner, you the victim may have the right to pursue claims against the transit authority. However, these suits tend to be complex and involve the analysis of both federal and state laws to apportion liability to the right agencies.
Challenges to Bringing Forth Claims Against Government Entities
Claims against government entities can be tricky due to the complex legal framework resulting from the multilayered nature of the government which includes state, federal, and local levels, all of which operate on different rules, requirements, and procedures. Due to this jurisdictional variability, it may be difficult to identify which entity to hold liable for your injuries. Because of the timeliness within which this must be done, you may very well get locked out of filing a claim due to something as simple as missing filing deadlines.
Resistance from government agencies due to the amount of resources they possess, such as formidable legal teams and defensive, aggressive tactics used in an attempt to dismiss claims at an early stage, challenge the veracity of your evidence. These agencies may even use the law to delay, frustrate you, and pressure you, especially if you have no legal representation, to accept low settlements. These strategies can all work against you to make the mountain feel unsurmountable.
Dealing with government agencies can compound your emotional scars, particularly if you decide to go it alone without legal representation. The PTSD, depression, and anxiety you may be feeling after an accident could be significantly magnified as you navigate the complex bureaucratic processes.
Best Auto Accident Attorneys Involving Government Agencies – Call Us Today!
We understand and empathize with you during this difficult time as you struggle to put your life together after an auto accident. Even though it may seem impossible to take on a government agency and win after an accident caused by these parties, all hope isn’t lost. We possess extensive experience handling such claims, and it would be an honor to help get you back on track to enjoying life once more by filing a claim on your behalf and litigating it all the way so you can recover the compensation you are rightfully owed. For more information on how we can help, regardless of where you are in the country, please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more – the call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.