Injured While Working at Hardee’s? Start HERE for Legal Help

If you’re into casual dining, want a burger and a shake, or just some coffee and pastries to eat on the go, then Hardee’s is the place to be. This is a fast-food outlet with thousands of locations across the country as well as unbeatable prices as well as a varied and delicious menu for individuals of all ages. Hardee’s hires tens of thousands of individuals, and the street traffic in any of their restaurants is moderate to busy. As a result, workers may find themselves being stretched thin as they scramble to take orders as well as care for the wellbeing of the customers. Worker safety should be the priority of any business, and because of this, the government through its safety agency OSHA has come up with extensive regulations that are meant to enforce certain statutes in just about every industry so that workplace safety remains the number one thing on every employer’s mind. It is commonly thought that accidents and consequent injuries are some kind of fluke and can’t really be avoided: however, it has been shown that over 90 percent of all accidents involve some form of human negligence or inaction, and to this end, it would be in your best interests to seek out the help of an attorney if you got injured while working at Hardee’s, and we’re here to help you with that.
Are you looking for a best Hardee’s injured worker attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. the experienced fast-food injured worker lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience where we’ve helped hundreds of individuals just like you get compensated after becoming victims of the negligence or carelessness of other individuals or large corporations at work. What makes McCready Law unique is that we are not afraid to litigate on behalf of our clients as seen by the over 70 CASES we’ve taken to court and won on behalf of past clients. You may not know this, but litigation is just about the ONLY WAY for you to get maximum compensation for your injuries especially when the insurance company is acting in bad faith, which happens more often than not. In addition to having a bilingual staff f(hablamos Espanol), we also take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that all charges for legal services rendered come at the very end of the whole process, and only when we’ve recovered your compensation. Regardless of your current location in the country, if you got injured at Hardee’s, call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 and we’ll help you get compensated – the call is 100% FREE!
Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Hardee’s Workers – Call Us NOW!
It is vital that you go to the ER immediately after suffering and injury. This will help legitimize your claim as well as inform the amount of compensation you will receive. In addition, ensure to fill in an accident report, but be very careful not to include too much information before speaking with us as whatever you write may be used against you. Most of all, you want to get in touch with us at (773) 906-4833 before speaking with anyone else so we can help you with more information. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.