Innovative Approaches to Return to Work – Tips and Tricks for Every Injured Federal Worker

If you’ve suffered a work-related injury or contracted an occupational disease in the line of duty, you may be wondering when or if you’re ever going to go back to work. The future looks bleak in most of these cases because injured federal workers simply don’t have the information they need to navigate the sometimes-murky waters of federal workers’ compensation. It is important to know that an Act called the Federal Employee Compensation Act has your back in this regard, and you have every right to continue working or shift to a new work reality or arrangement, depending on the status of your health at this moment, or sometime in the future.
Are you looking for the best federal workers’ compensation attorney? For over two decades, the experienced federal workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law have helped individuals just like you get the compensation they deserve after getting injured or contracting an occupational illness while serving the federal government. We have helped clients countrywide get their injured federal worker benefits approved, continue to stay on these benefits, had denials reversed, and even had their benefits increased in line with the status of their injuries or illnesses.
We run a bilingual office (hablamos Espanol), and we put you in contact with experts and medical resources you otherwise would not have had access to, helping strengthen the merit of your case. If you’d like to speak with an attentive federal workers’ compensation attorney to learn more about the validity of your claim, simply call us NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE legal consultation. There’s absolutely no obligation, and regardless of where in the U.S. you are, we’re waiting to listen to your story and offer timely legal assistance on the next steps to take.
Injured Federal Workers and Return to Work Programs
The Department of Labor works in concert with federal agencies to help facilitate the return-to-work process, with innovative ideas being fronted such as return-to-work or RTW programs, where designated individuals coordinate said program by being the communication liaisons between the agency and OWCP, making sure that supervisors and your superiors receive guidance and ongoing training, all ostensibly done to make sure you are able to get to back with as few hiccups as possible.
Expanded Light Duty for Injured Federal Workers
In addition, those that have suffered injuries and are on the mend, and have been given the green light by their physicians to return to work may be placed on expanded light duty so as to accommodate these individuals. For instance, some agencies have been known to create light duty pools so that tasks can be shared, creating a more flexible work environment such as clocking in and clocking out on hours that are flexible and sometimes shorter, as well as using technology to ease an injured worker’s burden within a work setting.
Mental Health is Wealth – How This is Related to Injured Federal Workers
The mental health needs of injured and sick federal workers cannot be overemphasized: to this end, federal agencies are provided with effective training in order to identify an injured or unwell federal worker who’s returned to work but is struggling as a result of depression, anxiety or PTSD and offer or refer them to mental health resources such as access to therapy or a psychiatrist for proper diagnosis and treatment. In addition, the agency may carry out mini seminars or group activities to help them learn more about stress management techniques as well as letting other workers know how to best support these individuals as they rejoin the federal worker fold.
Work Hardening and Work Conditioning
Another creative and innovative way in which injured or unwell federal workers are assisted when it comes to return to work is via the application of work hardening and work conditioning programs. These are programs where work is simulated via activities which mirror your previous workplace, all done to strengthen your cognitive, behavioral and physical capabilities so that the gap between your rehabilitation and workplace demands is lessened over time. Work hardening and work conditioning involves physical and cognitive therapists as well as the creation of a simulated environment that tests your problem-solving, spatial and other abilities in order to develop the stamina and skills required to re-enter the work force.
Need Help Managing Your Federal Workers’ Compensation Claim? Let Us Help!
We understand and appreciate the fear and anxiety you may be feeling when you think of returning to work following a long period of recovery after having been injured or falling sick. The entire process may seem overwhelming, and the legal language used by FECA may not make sense. Whether you’re currently injured and are looking to start the compensation process, or are seeking help to simplify the return to work process as an injured or unwell federal worker, we can help: simply call 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our experienced federal workers’ compensation attorneys, and we’ll create a game plan together so you can ease back into work with zero stress. Thank you for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.