Insider Information on OPM Disability Retirment Processing Time in 2019

Federal workers who may have suffered a catastrophic injury for which there may not be a reasonably sufficient recovery to enable them to return to work, or those who have experienced a psychological, stress-based or psychiatric health issue may opt to apply for federal disability retirement under FERS, or the federal employee retirement system. This is a program that was instituted by the federal government back in 1986, which then rolled it out in the New Year in 1987.
Are you looking for a federal employees retirement system attorney? Are you asking yourself – why is it taking so long will to receive my disability retirement? Whether you’re a first-time applicant, or you’ve been through the process and have hit a brick wall, we can help. For over two decades, we’ve helped hundreds of injured federal workers and those who developed an occupational illness to apply for and get accepted into the federal disability retirement program by the OPM. Please call us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 to receive your FREE gift of free legal consultation to learn more about the program as well as what your claim is truly worth.
“How long will it take for OPM to approve my federal disability application?” is a question that gets asked a lot by injured federal workers who may not have a nest egg saved or those who have dependants who were counting on this injured federal worker’s checks for years. This can elicit stress and anxiety owing to the unclear answers one may find should they decide to wade into the murky waters of internet forums where no two cases are alike.
OPM Disability Retirement Processing Time 2019
One of the reasons why your federal disability retirement benefits application may take forever to be approved is if you are separated from the agency that you work for or not. If you’re still attached to the agency, or if you have been off work duty for less than a month, your opm disability retirement application will first make a stop at your federal employing agency before being asked to fill out specialized forms which will document your injuries or condition which will be determined by a physician who is hopefully conversant with OPM protocol. From your federal agency to OPM offices with Philadelphia, your application will change hands at least three times before landing in the main OPM offices in Washington, DC, where it will be handed over to an administrative expert. Therefore, it may take a couple months before you hear from anyone in DC. However, the story changes if you have been off work for over a month. In such instances, the application will go straight to the OPM Philadelphia office where it will get a Civil Service Annuity number attached to it.
OPM Disability Retirement Status and Help: Call Us Today!
In an ideal world, all federal arms of the government work like a well-oiled machine. Because of red tape, however, and the fact that OPM usually deals with a backlog of applications at any given time, all applications will not be expedited and will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. That being said, by working with a best federal disability retirement law firm, you can take advantage of resources at our disposal to ensure that your OPM disability claim is in line with their requirements so you don’t have to redo any medical tests or send in half-filled forms, thereby extending the time you need to wait to receive your federal disability retirement compensation. Need help? Let’s make the application process a breeze for you: call us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 for more information on your legal options for compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.