
Is Beovu Safe in 2021? The Answer May SHOCK You

Macular degeneration is unfortunately very common in older individuals. It is caused by the growth of unneeded blood vessels in the eye, causing the spilling of blood and other liquid into the retina, causing blind spots in one’s central vision. This means that you’re unable to suss out finer details of an image, with the exception of having great peripheral vision. In fact, AMD as it is often known, is the leading cause of vision loss in individuals 50 and older. Age-related macular degeneration can further be divided into two, wet and dry macular degeneration, with the wet one being less common but more dangerous to one’s vision. Wet AMD causes the growth of abnormal blood vessels under one’s retina, scarring an eye structure known as the macula. Individuals with the wet variant of this condition are likely to lose their eyesight much faster, and for the most part, the condition is hard to detect until the individual starts to experience blurry vision.  It is for this reason that it is vital that an individual see an ophthalmologist once they reach the age of 50. Thankfully, a drug has shown promise in the treatment of wet AMD. Beovu inhibits the growth of new blood cells in the retina, thereby preventing or delaying the progress of this vision-destroying condition. However, Beovu has recently come under fire due to the alarming side-effects that it may cause, with some being as serious and severe as vision loss.

Did you lose your vision after using Beovu, or did you experience significant worsening of your vision while using this drug? Please call our Beovu vision loss attorneys NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. there have been reports of individuals losing their vision  irreparably after using Beovu, and many are waking up to the fact that the drug that they had come to believe in and rely on to cure their wet AMD could actually be making things worse. If your vision was harmed by Beovu, you may be eligible for substantial financial compensation. The experienced Beovu class action lawsuit attorneys at McCready Law have extensive experience litigating cases which puts us at a unique position to get you the best possible outcome for your Beovu claim. In addition, we have a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), and all legal claims are handled by an attorney, and not paralegals. Want to learn more about the process involved when it comes to filing a Beovu lawsuit? Please call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to speak with one of our Beovu lawsuit attorneys – the call is ABSOLUTELY FREE.

How Do Beovu Injections Work?

The secret behind Beovu’s efficacy lies in the medication’s ability to stop the production of something called endothelial growth factor which is thought to be responsible for the growth of blood vessels. For some unknown reason, endothelial growth factor is overexpressed as one grows older, which is the major cause of wet AMD in most individuals. Beovu is administered as an injection near the retina every couple months depending on how your disease is progressing over time, and upon examination by your physician.

Here are some of the most common side-effects associated with Beovu:

  • Retinal swelling
  • Vision loss
  • Blood clots in one’s eyes
  • Retinal detachment
  • Intraocular inflammation
  • Permanent blindness

The FDA lists the following as some of the most common, known Beovu side-effects:

  1. Eye pain
  2. Blurred vision
  3. Floaters or vitreous in ones field of vision
  4. Subconjunctival hemorrhages under one’s eye surfaces

Beovu and Eye Problems

Beovu has been known to cause eye problems, and it is not uncommon for example to experience intraocular pressure within 30 minutes of getting the Beovu injection. Intraocular pressure is something that can be damaging to the eye due to the fact that it may interfere with the integrity of the optic nerve, causing permanent eye damage.

Endopthlamitis is also listed in the packaging as being one of Beovu’s side-effects, and this refers to the inflammation of the white areas of one’s eyes, thought to be due to an infection. This condition may further degenerate into redness, poor vision, eye vision and being sensitive to lights more than usual.

Beovu and Retinal Vascular Occlusion

Retinal vascular occlusion is one of the major side-effects seen in Beovu injections, and it affects retinal blood vessels, causing blockages of the same. This can then interfere with overall vision due to the blockage of signals to the retina. There are two types of retinal vascular occlusion: arterial occlusion and vein occlusion, with the former blocking the flow of oxygenated blood into the retina, and the latter, deoxygenated blood back to one’s heart.

Beovu Recall and Lawsuit

A whistleblower recently came forward alleging that she had advised the company that makes Beovu, Novartis, to correct misinformation that the company itself had doled out to the scientific community regarding ocular inflammation that was seen in clinical trials of the drug. The whistleblower further added that Novartis purposely underreported ocular inflammation cases just so that the drug would not be held back by the FDA when presented for consideration and release into the market.

Best Beovu Lawsuit Attorneys – Call Us Now!

Because most patients were not aware of the risks associated with Beovu in the beginning, many have slowly been alarmed to learn about the vision-damaging effects of the injection. If you were prescribed Beovu injection from October 2019 to the present date, you may be able to file a Beovu vision loss and damage lawsuit. Novartis failed to warn you about the risks associated with its drug and as such, committed a negligent act that opens them up to litigation in the form of mass tort claims. By filing a claim, you may be able to recover compensation for things like the cost of present and future medical treatment, pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of consortium, lost wages, legal fees, and so much more. Please call our experienced Beovu drug injury lawsuit attorneys NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about how to get started with the process. Remember, do NOT stop taking Beovu until after having spoken to your healthcare provider. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.