
Lawyers for Dog Bite Victims

Dog bite injuries are catastrophic in and of themselves. Therefore, child dog bite injuries tend to be severe due to the age of the victim, their inability to react and defend themselves, their slow healing time, rapid blood loss, and a smaller body surface area meaning the possibility of gruesome, extensive injuries. Dog bite injury lawyers can help you and your family piece your lives back together after such a traumatic event by making it possible for you and your loved ones to file a dog injury lawsuit for the purpose of recovering compensation.

Are you looking for a dog bite attorney? If your loved one was attacked by a dog in the neighborhood, out in the city without any provocation, you may be able to file a dog bite lawsuit. Our dog bite lawyers have more than 70 years of experiencing helping individuals from all walks of life recover compensation due to the negligence of individuals who should have known and acted better, leading to another party getting injured in what would have been preventable circumstances. Please call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for your 100% FREE and no-commitment consultation into your loved one’s options for legal justice and compensation.

Dog Bite Laws 

According to the law, the owner of a dog that inflicts bodily harm on an individual is liable for any bites and property damage if the individual wasn’t trespassing or provoking said dog. Children are generally playful and lack discernment; therefore, they may not have the mental faculties an adult would have and may therefore try to pet an unknowingly aggressive dog. Children under the age of 7 essentially cannot be thought of as trespassing as they lack the awareness that older children and adults may have.

Children’s Dog Bite Statistics

According to statistics, over 50 percent of all children under the age of 12 have been bitten by a canine. In addition, 50 percent of all such dog bites tend to occur either within the neighborhood or the family home. Dog bites are typically inflicted on a child’s head, face and neck.  Toddlers make up the bulk of children getting treated at emergency rooms due to dog bites. Dog bites are painful, traumatic, and the accompanying rabies shots, stitches and sometimes, plastic surgery, may be emotionally traumatizing and memorable for all the wrong reasons.

What To Do After a Dog Bite

Immediately after the bite, call 911 as rabies tends to set in a few hours after a bite: you don’t want to take any chances with your child’s health given the low survival rates of rabies victims. Identify the dog owner, take their address, name and phone number. Explain to them that due to the severity of the attack, your child suffered injuries that necessitate emergency medical attention. In addition, ask for their homeowner’s insurance company name and information, and their policy number.

Next, call animal control and file a report immediately so the animal can be quarantined. This report will play a pivotal role in the dog bite lawsuit you will file with us later on since evidence of this kind is what stands up in a court of law as the report proves negligence. Lastly, gather evidence of the dog bite attack by taking photos and video footage of blood splatters, torn clothing, as well as short, written witness testimonies from people who may have seen the whole thing unfold (have them sign their statements at the bottom of every page) Please do NOT wash nor get rid of your child’s clothes: put them in a clear Ziploc bag and store them safely. Don’t forget to label the bag with the date and time of the dog bite attack.

Best Dog Bite Attorneys – Call For Your Free Consultation!

Next, you will need to call us immediately so we can get to work on the case as time is of the essence in these types of cases. Timely claim filing will add to the legitimacy of the claim, and this, coupled with the documentary evidence and witness statements will all make for a strong case. Need to talk to someone about your dog bite lawsuit? Call our  dog bite attorneys NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your loved one’s legal options for compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.