Legal Help for Chemical Burns – More Inside

Chemical burns can be distressing and severe to the point where it’s possible to become disabled due to the disfigurement as well as part or parts of the body affected. Chemical burns are a common occurrence in industrial settings and factories due to the raw compounds workers come into contact with on a daily basis. Some of these chemicals are so caustic that they can burn a hole into one’s tissue, or can poison other organs and lead to organ failure with time. What a lot of people don’t understand, however, is that nothing ever happens by accident, and that up to 90 percent of the time, human negligence is to blame for chemical burns and other such accidents in the workplace or at home.
Are you looking for a chemical burns lawsuit attorney? Please contact our friendly and experienced chemical burns lawsuit help lawyers NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options. Our experienced chemical burns lawyers have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience that they’d love to put to work for you. We take on all cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that we use our own resources to try the case to completion, and only charge you when we win your case on your behalf. For your FREE legal consultation into lawsuits for chemical burns, please contact us NOW at (773) 985-5139. There’s absolutely no obligation.
Here are some of the symptoms associated with a chemical burn:
- Blistering or blackening of the skin
- Numbness or pain at chemical contact point
- Inflammation and redness
- Irregular heartbeat
- Painful or shallow breathing in case the chemical is inhaled
- Severe headaches
- Blurred vision
- Cardiac arrest and seizures
How To Treat a Chemical Burn
It is important to treat a chemical burn immediately. To begin with, if the chemical splashed on you, your eyes or any other part of the body, flush it away from your skin using cool water for a minimum of 15 minutes. If a powder-like substance is responsible for the burn, simply brush it off and then proceed to flush the area with clear, running water. More often than not, the offending chemical may remain on your clothes, so you want to remove everything on your person and then call for medical assistance via 911.
When it comes to medically treating a chemical burn, a physician will dress the wound with sterile dressing or using a clean cloth. If the burn is moderate to severe, you may need surgery and skin grafting in order to help the healing process along. Please note that chemical burns that feature second-degree burns will require immediate medical attention so that you avert a life-threatening infection.
Experienced Chemical Burns Lawyer – Call Us Today!
If you suffered a chemical burn at work due to worker negligence or due to the employer not following proper OSHA safety protocol, you may be entitled to substantial compensation in the form of money damages. Please contact our burn injury lawyers serving victims countrywide at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We look forward to helping you.