Legal Help for Individuals Injured at Whole Foods

Whole Foods prides itself in providing organic, healthy and wholesome fresh food for the whole family. It has branded itself as the go-to place if you’re looking to change your lifestyle into one that’s healthy and progressive, and its somewhat reasonable prices have turned a whole generation of foodies into smoothie-drinking, Kale-eating fanatics. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive, and Whole Foods has something for every taste palate without consumers having to break the bank. That said, Whole Foods’ wholesome image belies its indifference with which they treat injured customers who may slip and fall on produce or water left on the aisles, or a poorly tacked carpet, or an uneven sidewalk located just outside one of their stores. It is important that you get the justice and compensation that you deserve by filing a Whole Foods injury lawsuit when this happens to you. Accidents don’t just happen: it has been proven time and time again that over 90 percent of all accidents have a human element to them, and that negligence has a large role to play in them.
Were you injured at a Whole Foods Market store? If you slipped and fell on water or unmopped juice, had produce fall off shelves and on you due to poor organization, had your foot caught in poorly done carpeting causing you to trip and fall, or were injured at the Whole Foods parking lot and so on, we’d love to hear from you. Our experienced Whole Foods Market injury attorneys have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience that we would be honored to put to work for you. Please contact us NOW at (773) 825-3651 and we’ll help get you started on filing a Whole Foods Market injury claim. The call is ABSOLUTELY FREE, and we take on cases on contingency fee basis, which basically means that you don’t pay us a cent during the trying of your case, and only do so when we recover compensation on your behalf. Representing injured clients countrywide.
Premises Liability, Whole Foods and Injury
Under premises liability law, Whole Foods management owe you something called duty of care, which is a fancy word that means that they are responsible for keeping you safe while you shop at their store by letting you know about any hazardous conditions in a timely manner, fixing said hazardous conditions within a reasonable timeframe, and preventing these hazardous conditions from causing you any kind of harm or injury. Failure to do so, and should you get injured, you may be able to file a Whole Foods Market injury claim. This will be contingent on the evidence captured for instance by security cameras or witnessed by other shoppers.
Lawyers Representing Injured Whole Foods Victims – Call Today!
It is important that you NOT sign anything right after an injury at a Whole Foods. Doing so may bind your hands and make it impossible for you to file a lawsuit at that moment or in the future, locking you out of substantial compensation. In addition, seeing a doctor should be your first order of business so you can get a full check-up and then we can use your doctor’s report to prove that you were indeed injured and deserve compensation for things like past and future medical bills, lost wages, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life, legal fees and so much more. Please contact our Whole Foods injury attorneys NOW at (773) 825-3651 to learn more about your legal options. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.