Legal Help for Injured CTA Workers – More Inside

The Chicago Transit authority is responsible for moving over a million individuals a day through the city’s suburbs and into the city, and back. The service runs all day, and it is the responsibility of CTA workers to make sure that everything runs as it should. It is a thankless and dangerous job, with reports of violence meted out on these workers populating our news on a weekly basis, but it is also one of the most accident-prone jobs in the country. Due to the different personalities and volumes of people CTA workers deal with as well as the age and condition of the rail system, it is not uncommon for these individuals to sustain severe injuries and even be put out of work as a result of these injuries. While the job is unionized, the compensation benefits are usually paltry and don’t take into account things like lost wages and non-economic effects of a CTA worker injury such as pain and suffering and mental anguish. To this end, it is vital that you get in touch with a Chicago injury attorney for injured CTA workers to protect your legal rights going forward.
Were you injured as a CTA worker while on the job due to someone else’s negligence? If you were attacked by a member of the public, suffered a trip and fall incident, were not provided with proper safety gear at work leading to your injuries and so on, call us at (773) 823-0298 and we’ll help get you compensated within a reasonable timeframe. The Chicago Transit workers’ compensation attorneys at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of experience helping individuals just like yourself get the compensation you deserve. Your first call is FREE, and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that we try your case to completion and ask for our fees ONLY WHEN we have recovered compensation on your behalf. Serving all Illinois unionized injured workers.
Some of the health risks faced by CTA workers include:
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease due to a sedentary lifestyle and stressful, high pressure environment
- Depression and anxiety
- Broken bones
- Internal injuries due to stabbings and assault with a gun
- Gastrointestinal issues
Injured CTA Workers are a Disadvantaged Group
As a result, CTA workers may become disabled, change their jobs multiple times, retire early, or choose to take unpaid days off due to the pressure and risks associated with their injuries. In addition, the excessive noise, polluted air, dehydration and constant muscle pain from working the trains can take their toll, leading to physical and psychological burnout.
Lawyers for Injured CTA Workers – Call Us Today!
It is important as a CTA worker to be aware of your rights and not rely on your union or employer to do the right thing. Every injury has an element of negligence that can be identified by our injured CTA worker attorneys so we can build a comprehensive picture of your injuries and the events leading up to them so we can ask for compensation that is in line with said injuries. Need to speak with an experienced lawyer for injured CTA workers? Please contact us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing from you,