Legal Help for Injured USPS Workers

It is estimated that postal workers deliver to over 130 million locations each year, and that over 30,000 injuries are sustained by USPS workers during the same duration. These hardworking individuals make sure you get your packages and mail on time, and theirs is a job fraught with stress and danger each waking day. Thankfully, the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, or FECA has instituted a compensation program that helps take care of various benefits such as medical, financial compensation, rehabilitation and other benefits to injured federal workers.
Are you an injured USPS worker looking to have an attorney represent you? Don’t go it alone: there are various legal nuances you may not be aware of which may cost you a considerable amount of money in compensation, have your claim delayed or even denied. Let us help you handle the administrative processes associated with filing an injury claim as an injured USPS worker: call us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 for more information on your legal options for compensation.
Some of the most common types of USPS worker injuries include:
- Dog bites
- Slip and fall injuries due to obstacles along streets or steps leading up to a house
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Vehicular accidents
Work With an Attorney To Secure Your Rights
You have the right to be informed of all your benefits should you get injured on the job as a USPS employee. In addition, getting in touch with an attorney will help you have a clear picture of what to expect and whether to apply for workers’ compensation or federal disability retirement compensation depending on the extent of your injuries. While the process can drag on, having a USPS injuries attorney by your side may help speed your case up by ensuring you have all your documentation in order as well as making sure your medical report is written up in USPS-friendly language.
Need help? Call our injured USPS worker lawyer NOW at 1-855-233-3002 for your free and confidential consultation into all things federal workers’ compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.