Legal Help for Injured Motorcyle Riders – File Your Claim Here

Motorcycle riders have the right to use our roads just like any other vehicle operator or driver. This is why there are bike lanes in most major cities as it is generally recognized that a motorcycle and bike are both bona fide vehicles. Individuals that get into auto accidents while on their motorcycles do so because of drivers flouting or breaking traffic laws, something that can be determined once the whole incident is fully investigated. If you’re a motorcycle rider that was injured by a driver on the road, it is vital that you seek out medical attention shortly after your accident even if you feel fine. This will help you not only ensure that you don’t have any hidden injuries which may become catastrophic later on such as internal bleeding, but it will also determine how much you’ll get as payout for your injuries. It is important as well to reach out to an attorney so they can determine your total payout for money damages for things like property damage, cost of present and future medical care, and lost wages, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best motorcycle accident attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 673-9861 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced motorcycle rider injury lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience, and we serve a countrywide clientele. One of our defining features that you won’t come across in most law firms is the fact that we have extensive litigation experience. This is important because litigation is the only route that will net you a much higher compensation amount when the insurance company acts in bad faith. Over 90 percent of all injury claims are settled out of court, but when it comes to catastrophic injury claims such as the type you encounter in motorcycle injury claims, you need to litigate to the fullest extent of the law. On top of having a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), all cases are personally handled by real and experienced attorneys, and not paralegals. Lastly we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES during any point in the processing of your claim. Regardless of where you are in the country, we can help you with your claim: please call us NOW at (773) 673-9861 to speak with one of us: the call is 100% FREE!
Some of the most common causes of accidents involving motorcycle riders are:
- Distracted driving which may include the other driver using their phone while driving, engaging in conversation with other passengers, fiddling with the radio or eyeballing the scenery.
- Driving under the influence of controlled substances such as narcotics or alcohol
- Speeding on roads that have clearly marked speeding limits
- Following motorcycles too closely may cause accidents when approaching corners
- Failing to use turn signals
Experienced Motorcycle Injury Attorneys – Call Us NOW!
It is vital that you as the injured motorcycle rider hold the other driver accountable. Ensure that you seek medical assistance immediately, and do NOT speak with anyone or give out an oral or written statement before consulting with us at (773) 673-9861 in order to protect the integrity of your claim. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.