
Legal Help for Tailgating Accidents

Over 90 percent of car accidents are preventable. Human negligence is to blame for most of these, with tailgating being one of the most common reasons for car crashes. Tailgating refers to following another car too closely without leaving room between the two vehicles to give another driver enough time to react in case there is a potentially dangerous road emergency up ahead.

Are you looking for a tailgating accident attorney? Call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your legal options for compensation. We have a team of highly experienced, friendly and aggressive attorneys who possess both trial and mediation experience when it comes to tailgating accidents. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won’t have to pay us anything until we win your case for you. Call (773) 825-3547 RIGHT NOW to speak with a best  car accident attorney for free to find out if you have a case as well as what you may be eligible for in terms of financial compensation.

Tailgating – Causes and Statistics

The NHTSA or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration attributes a third of all rear-end car accidents in the country to tailgating or following too closely. As a rule of thumb, two drivers driving in the same direction ought to have at least a car’s length distance between them at any given time. Drivers who drive to closely are more often than not distracted or driving while drunk. Other main causes for tailgating are road rage, aggressive driving, careless driving as well as drivers who are in a hurry to get to their destination.

Here are some of the things you can do to avoid tailgating accidents:

  • Follow all traffic laws even if the other driver isn’t.
  • Pay attention and disable your phone for the duration of your trip
  • Abide by the speed limit.
  • Make sure to pass in the left and drive in the right lane
  • Give yourself a ten foot distance between your vehicle and another for every 10 miles an hour

What To Do After a Tailgating Accident

If someone is tailgating you, don’t be tempted to flash your lights, alter your speed or step on the brakes too quickly. These actions may startle the other driver, causing them to ram into you. Since almost all tailgating accidents are rear end collisions, most victims suffer airbag injuries, facial or head injuries, knee injuries whiplash and traumatic brain injuries. If you’ve been hurt, have EMS come to the scene of the accident so you can receive prompt medical care. Documentation following the administration of medical care will help us quantify the severity and extent of your injuries so you’re able to get the compensation you need.

Tailgating Accident Attorney

Have you been injured in a tailgating accident? Call our tailgating accident lawyers NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your legal options for compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.