Legal Help for Torn ACL Injuries

The knee is criss-crossed by thick, sinewy tissue called ligament which promotes flexibility. One of the more important ligaments in this part of the body is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, or ACL in short. It prevents knee hyperextension which may cause your knee to go past its normal motion range, and it stops the tibia from moving in front of the femur. ACL tears are common in sports injuries, and they are prevalent in car accident lawsuits as well as slip and fall events. These injuries almost always require extensive surgery, rest and recuperation, and you may need to undergo physical therapy in order to fully recover.
Are you wondering about the average settlement for torn ACL? If you’re looking for workers’ compensation settlement amounts for knee surgery, or have concerns about the impairment rating for ACL reconstruction, we can help. For more than seven decades, the attorneys at McCready Law have helped thousands of injured victims and neighboring states get the compensation they are owed by negligent individuals. Need to speak with one of our friendly and resourceful injury lawyers? Call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to speak with a knee injury lawyer to learn more about the true value of your claim.
ACL Injuries and How They Happen
The ACL provides you with ninety percent of knee stability, making it a crucial ligament when standing and walking. To this end, you may find it next to impossible to stand or even take a few steps with a torn ACL. In a car crash, the sudden jerks and twists experienced at the moment of impact can contort the knee into unnatural positions, severing the Anterior Cruciate Ligament.
Torn Ligament From Slip and Fall Accidents
ACL tears are also common in slip and fall lawsuits. This is because of the overcompensating one tries to carry out when they step on a slippery surface or item as they try to rebalance their body so they don’t fall. The instinctual thing to do, for most people, is to throw the stable foot out in order to stabilize themselves, which can make the ACL snap. In addition, falls on one’s knees can also tear the ACL. Along with an ACL tear, most people will suffer a meniscus cartilage tear, compounding their injuries.
Knee Injury Lawyers – Call Us Now!
The average settlement for torn ACL lawsuits will vary depending on the circumstances of your case. It may be possible to recover anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000, and in some cases, more than the quoted amount. The payout amount will depend on the extent of the injury, its impact on your personal life and your ability to work and enjoy life going forward, the level of negligence, prognosis and lots of other factors we cannot mention in their entirety in one post. Need more information on knee injury settlement? Call our Illinois knee injury attorneys NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for your free legal consult into your torn ACL case. We look forward to hearing from you.