Life After Necrotizing Enterocolitis – Medical Interventions, and How to Help Your Child Recover

Necrotizing enterocolitis is a severe illness that affects a premature baby’s gastrointestinal tract and may lead to complications that may jeopardize their life. NEC, as it is commonly known, develops when babies who are born pre-term develop gut complications when fed infant formula which is not similar to mother’s milk and is formulated to have additional compounds that may not be compatible with a child’s immature gut, causing infection and tissue die-off. Over the last 7 years, thousands of parents have come forward alleging their child had to undergo emergency surgery to excise dying intestinal tissue from their stomach or that they lost their child due to complications of NEC after feeding the baby formula from brands such as Similac and Enfamil. As we write this, thousands of individuals have joined a class action lawsuit to recover compensation from the makers of these products to help compensate for the loss of their child or to help their child regain a semblance of normalcy after having survived the harrowing effects of NEC. It is important to note that it’s not all doom and gloom after NEC and that a child can survive and thrive even after having gone through necrotizing enterocolitis, as we’re about to demonstrate in this post. That said, it is vital not to let your child suffer the after-effects of this condition, and legal help is available for the loved ones struggling with the fallout of this preventable gut disorder, and we’re here to facilitate that.
Are you looking for the best NEC baby formula compensation attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced class action lawyers at McCready Law have established an impressive tradition of winning these types of cases over the years, and we’ve recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for injured clients and their families after they suffered complications on account of the negligence of other individuals or business entities.
What sets us apart is our trial experience and the resultant verdicts we’ve been able to achieve for past clients, which is unlike most law firms who more often than not opt to negotiate with the insurance company for paltry payouts – courtroom litigation, when done right, can net you tens or even hundreds of times more what the insurance adjuster and their team can ever offer you. We run a bilingual office (hablamos Espanol), and these cases are taken up on a contingency fee basis, what this simply means is that you pay ZERO LEGAL FEES at the outset of the case, and we only levy our fees at the end of the process, and only if we’ve won your case for you. If you would like clarity on baby formula lawsuits or want to get started with your claim, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to make contact with a member of our intake team: the call is 100% FREE, and there is absolutely no legal obligation.
What are The Long-Term Consequences of Necrotizing Enterocolitis?
One of the main challenges faced by babies with necrotizing enterocolitis is the fact that it often leads to intestinal perforation, which may require emergency surgery to resolve. Those babies that survive this may have to deal with long-term health issues, specifically regarding nutrition and their ability to feed.
Here are some long-term complications associated with NEC:
Short Bowel Syndrome
This condition develops in infants that have had to go through bowel resection due to tissue death and necrosis. The necrotized tissue must be cut away and the remaining intestinal pipes reconnected to prevent mass infection and while the surgery is usually successful, the removal of vast tracts of the small intestine often leads to inadequate nutrient absorption. SBS leads to malabsorption due to the reduced surface area as the small intestine is the location of the gut that is responsible for the absorption of fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals.
Due to this malabsorption, babies with SBS will not only need to up their caloric intake, they will also have to contend with severe nutritional deficiencies. NEC-related SBS can be resolved by IV feeding, or parenteral nutrition as this bypasses the gut completely, taking minerals and other compounds to the parts of the body that need it, although the risk of liver complications and general infections may be elevated. SBS can also be managed by feeding affected babies with specialized formulas that feature concentrated nutrients that are better absorbed on account of their macronutrient profile.
Impaired Growth and Development
NEC may put a damper on a child’s biological development due to their failure to properly feed after surviving this harrowing condition. In particular, survivors may have a hard time gaining weight, leading to a diagnosis known as failure to thrive. In addition, these children may fail to reach certain weight and height percentiles for their age, and cognitive issues are often seen when it comes to learning, problem-solving, and the acquisition of language. Babies who survive NEC may also have problems with their gross and fine motor skills and may have issues when it comes to learning how to crawl and walk. Lastly, NEC survivors may have limitations when it comes to their emotional being and social interactions, becoming frustrated and having difficulties engaging with their peers.
Impaired growth and development can be resolved by conducting a comprehensive nutritional assessment to identify what they may be deficient in and creating a plan to supplement these, as well as regular monitoring which can include measuring their height, weight, and head circumference at regular intervals, and the introduction of specialized but well-studied formulas and gradual adoption of solid foods that can boost growth. Lastly, it is important to note that due to the multifactorial nature of NEC, it will take a whole village to resolve the condition and as such, a multidisciplinary team will be needed to get your child back on track to being healthy – anticipate visits to nutritionists, pediatricians, developmental specialists, occupational therapists, and so much more.
Experienced Baby Formula NEC Lawyers – Call Us Today!
Necrotizing enterocolitis has far-reaching consequences for both the baby and mother and by extension, the entire family. Even when your child comes out alive, they may have to contend with complications and the missing of key developmental milestones as well as look at a future of additional surgery, monitoring, and occupational therapy. This will put an incredible financial and emotional toll on any family, a toll you shouldn’t have to endure because of someone else’s negligence. The fact is that the makers of Enfamil and Similac were aware during research and testing that their products could potentially harm a baby’s still developing gastrointestinal tract, but failed to warn consumers or pull their products off the shelves in a concerted recall effort, and because they failed to act as well as negligence, they are absolutely liable for your child’s NEC and its related complications. Please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 if your baby suffered necrotizing enterocolitis, and we’ll provide you with information on how you can recover money damages through the filing of a timely product liability lawsuit. Remember, we handle a countywide clientele, so you can call us from wherever you are in the US, and your first consultation is on us. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.