Long-Term Health Effects of Truck Accident Injuries and Why an Attorney Can Help You Recover Compensation

Truck accidents can be one of the most catastrophic types of injuries one can sustain owing to the fact that truck sizes are gargantuan in comparison to your typical American SUV or coupe. As a result, the other individual often suffers more severe injuries than the truck driver, necessitating urgent and often long-term medical care. Individuals involved in truck accidents often find their lives turned upside down, and as a result, they may struggle when it comes to coping with the long-term effects of this type of accident.
It is important to note that auto accidents in general take a long time to resolve, and one may have to live with serious injuries for weeks, months and even years, and some of these may be permanent, necessitating long-term care, multiple surgeries, assistance when it comes to living, as well as the reality that you may never be able to work again, or at the capacity you once used to work at. The law, however, provides you with timely assistance when it comes to seeking justice as it allows you to file a truck accident lawsuit which will go a long way in helping you recover compensation for your injuries.
That said, it is important to work with an experienced attorney who knows the ins and outs of insurance claims, how to negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf, as well as an individual with extensive trial experience should the case go to trial for one reason or another, and we’re here to help with all of this and so much more.
Our Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help You!
Are you looking for the best truck accidents and compensation attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced truck accident lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of combined legal experience where we’ve helped thousands of individuals just like you, recovering hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for past clients.
What makes us different, however, is our vast trial experience which may guarantee you a higher payout with regard to compensation for your injuries, in addition to having a bilingual staff (hablamos Español), we also take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of your claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the process, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf.
For your FREE legal consultation into your legal options for justice and compensation after being in a truck accident and suffering injuries, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 regardless of where you are in the country, and speak with one of our knowledgeable legal experts – our intake team is standing by.
Why are Truck-Related Injuries so Severe?
Truck-related injuries tend to be catastrophic owing to the mass, velocity of trucks as well as the forces involved. The typical American sedan or SUV is no match for the sheer size of a truck, and it is not uncommon for individuals to be ejected from their vehicles, crushed under heavy metal, have car parts impale them, break their bones, suffer severe internal organ injuries and worse.
What are The Most Common Types of Injuries in Truck Accidents?
Some of the most common types of truck accident injuries include:
This is a very common type of injury particularly if you were rear-ended by another vehicle. Your head gets jerked forward suddenly and then goes backward, leading to a strain in the neck’s ligaments and muscles. This then leads to symptoms that may be puzzling but require immediate treatment. For example, victims may experience neck pain and stiffness, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and headaches which seem to originate from the base of the skull.
Whiplash is treated by the application of ice to reduce swelling, as well as adequate rest and the use of over-the-counter pain mediation to get a handle on the pain. Physical therapy may also be recommended in order to strengthen the injured muscles as well as improve flexibility.
That said, whiplash victims and survivors may have to contend with ongoing chronic pain in the neck and shoulders, as well as decreased range of neck motion which if when forced may lead to am sharp, stabbing pain in that area.
If not treated adequately, whiplash may morph into cervical spondylosis which is a condition that manifests as spinal bone degeneration and difficulty moving. The chronic pain associated with whiplash injuries also may trigger depression, anxiety and PTSD, leading to emotional distress, isolation and an inability to enjoy life.
Lastly, individuals with whiplash may suffer neurological complications which may manifest as tingling in the arms and shoulders, or a shooting, electric pain whenever they try to move their heads or arms. These long-term consequences therefore underscore the importance of treating truck accident injuries comprehensively as well as in a timely manner.
Traumatic Brain Injury
This type of injury is perhaps among the top three injuries one can suffer as a truck accident victim with regard to severity due to the important role of the human brain in our daily life. TBI occurs when the head strikes a hard surface such as the dashboard, wheel or even window at the moment of impact. The rapid acceleration and sudden deceleration can cause the brain to literally ricochet within the skull, something that is not supposed to happen due to the sensitive and meaty yet soft nature of the brain.
Traumatic brain injury may cause mild concussions or severe brain damage depending on various factors such as the collision angle, force of impact, whether or not you were wearing a seatbelt, and the deployment of an airbag. Some of the symptoms associated with whiplash include a sudden, severe headache which lasts days or even weeks, personality changes, seizures, anger issues, unexplained crying, inability to sleep fitfully, memory loss, nausea and vomiting, and disorientation and confusion.
This injury must be diagnosed by a physician or specialist such as a neurologist, and treatment often involves the running of tests such as CT scans and MRIs to assess the extent of damage before starting medications which could vary from pain reivers, intracranial pressure relievers. Anti-inflammatories, antiseizure medications and antidepressants. If the patient suffered skull fractures or is in a bad way, surgery may be required to relieve brain pressure, remove blood clots and so on.
After successful treatment, patients may need to undergo rehabilitation so they can regain the various faculties they had prior to the truck accident. To this end, cognitive rehabilitation where the patient is made to go through attention, memory improvement and problem -solving skill tests, physical therapy as well as occupational therapy which is vital in helping victims regain a semblance of normalcy and independence in their lives.
Long-Term TBI Effects
Long-term, TBI patients may suffer cognitive impairments where they may have a hard time making decisions or remembering things, emotional disturbances where they may have to contend with severe mood swings, paranoia, anxiety and crushing depression.
They may also struggle when it comes to motor skills, facing balance and coordination problems, leading to falls and the need to sit down in order to prevent dizziness, thereby leading to a sedentary lifestyle which has been shown to have a host of harmful effects long-term. Lastly, it is opined that individuals with a history of TBIs may be at an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia later in life on account of the chronic and unrelenting inflammation associated with traumatic brain injury.
If traumatic brain injury is left untreated for a considerable amount of time, or if it is unsuccessfully or insufficiently treated, TBI’s may lead to permanent cognitive complications and mental disability, severe and years long depression, mood swings and anxiety, long-term seizure disorders as well as the need for intensive rehabilitation which may be costly and inconvenient.
Best, Countrywide Truck Accident Compensation Lawyers – Call Us Today!
The long-term consequences of injuries associated with truck accidents can affect every aspect of your life, leading you to financial, emotional and social ruin. If someone else caused your truck accident, it is important to note that you don’t have to live with the fallout of your accident, and that help is available in the form of experienced truck accident lawyers who will help you file a legal claim to recover damages so you are made whole again in every sense of the word. Before you speak with anyone else, please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.