Mail Carrier Neck Pain – Do You Qualify for Compensation?

The work of a USPS mail carrier is never easy, and the injuries come fast and frequently. Neck pain is a common complaint among injured postal workers who find that this kind of pain results in complications that radiate down to the shoulder, affecting the dominant hand which acts as the load-bearing arm during bag carrying. Neck pain for postal workers may qualify them for federal workers’ compensation as long as it can be shown by a federal workers’ compensation attorney that the pain hinders the worker from performing his duties as a USPS worker, necessitating treatment.
Are you looking for a USPS worker attorney to find out more about whether you qualify for compensation due to your postal worker injuries? For over two decades, we’ve helped hundreds of individuals get the compensation they deserve after suffering injuries on the job as USPS workers and other workers in the Federal government. While it may be tempting to go it alone, rejections are common, and you may lose out on time and money trying to understand the legal intricacies surrounding postal worker injury compensation. Let us do the heavy lifting for you: Call us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 to speak with a best injured postal worker attorney at NO COST to you to learn more about your legal options for compensation.
Neck Pain in USPS Workers Surprisingly Common
Neck pain is disturbingly common in postal workers due to the increasing number of packages that they have to lug in their bags and onto people’s porches with each passing year. As more and more people adopt online shopping and ditch brick and mortar shopping, package deliveries are only set to increase with no sign of letting up. As a result, postal workers will experience increasing shoulder strain in the future, putting them at risk of neck injuries.
Neck Pain and Postal Workers – The Complications
The muscles around your neck get strained and stretched as you carry something heavy every day. Since this is something ongoing for postal workers, they eventually develop repetitive strain injuries in the muscles, nerves and joints around the neck area. With time, their spines experience curvature, throwing off their balance which leads to even more strain in the neck area.
In addition, soft spongy discs found in-between neck vertebra are more likely to slip when one carries USPS bags every day, leading to the grinding together of bone, resulting in bone erosion and excruciating bone pain. Neck pain is also known to radiate to the head, causing chronic headaches that can incapacitate a worker, leading to taking time off work to recover.
Qualifying for USPS Injured Worker Compensation
In order to qualify for mail carrier neck pain, you must show, with the help of your postal worker injury lawyer, that the pain is due to work-related activity, and that it affects or inhibits your ability to work. OWCP has a notorious record of shooting down claims meaning that your doctors’ report, an objective piece should be done meticulously and show the causative link between the neck injury and the work activity that caused it.
Best Mail Carrier Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!
If you’d like help qualifying for mail carrier neck pain compensation, don’t take chances combing through internet forums of busy federal workers’ compensation attorneys: call us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 to learn more about how we can help, from collecting evidence to finding you an OWCP conversant doctor and so much more. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.