Charities we Support – Mike Williams Fights Against Leukemia

At McCready, Garcia & Leet, we feel it is important to give back to the community. After all, without the community, we would be nothing. Each month we highlight an organization or group which we support, with time or money, and we encourage you to do the same. We support a wide range of groups throughout the year, some national in scope, others may involve a fundraiser for an individual in need. We encourage you to visit these organizations and join McCready, Garcia & Leet in donating.
Mike is a Paramedic and Firefighter with multiple agencies. He recently was hired by Ottawa Fire Department as a Union Firefighter which was his dream job. He then was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. Mike will be in the hospital getting aggressive treatments for his condition. This is causing him to not be able to work for an unknown amount of time. Mike needs to raise enough money so he can pay his mortgage and bills for 1 year. Mike will be racking up medical bills along with his usual month to month bills, let’s help offset some of these costs for him! Mike is always there for anyone in need and now needs our help. Mike will give you the shirt off his back in a heartbeat and not think twice about it. Mike has two small children to take care of and could use our support in any way we can give it to him. The personal injury and workers’ compensation law firm of McCready, Garcia & Leet are proud to support Mike Williams and his fight against leukemia. We will donate $5.00 for each person who registers below.
If you wish to suggest a charity for McCready, Garcia & Leet to support, please contact us. We help publicize the event through our Monthly Third Thursday Newsletters but also through our web site, facebook, twitter and google+ accounts. Contact us today