Most Commonly Filled Forms in Federal Workers’ Compensation

Federal workers’ compensation can be complicated if you’re just getting into it and are looking to start receiving payments after approvals. With the many forms you’re supposed to fill, we can’t fault you if the whole thing looks like an insurmountable mountain. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most commonly filled forms when looking to apply for federal workers’ compensation.
Form CA-1
Also known as Federal Employee’s Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation, this form notifies your supervisor about your injury as well as serving a report to OWCP when you as the employee have suffered a traumatic injury that will most likely lead to a compensation claim. In addition, you must lose time from the date of your injury, regardless of whether or not the time is charged to continuation of pay or leave. On top of that, you must have suffered a work-related disability, and suffered a serious disfigurement to the head, face or neck. This form is typically filled in by you the employee, your supervisor, or someone authorized to act on your behalf.
Form CA-2
This form is known as the Federal Employee’s Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation, and it notifies your supervisor about the occurrence of an occupational disease. It also acts as a report to the OWCP if your disease will likely lead to a medical charge against the OWCP compensation fund. In order for the form to be valid, you must have lost time from your place of work due to the condition, and you must have suffered a disability because of it. This form is usually filled in by you or someone that you authorize to do so on your behalf. In addition, a witness can fill it in, or your supervisor.
OWCP Deadlines
Form CA-1 and CA-2 are required to be filled in within 30 days of your injury happening. That being said, you may be able to fill them in much later as long as the 3 year statutory time window hasn’t elapsed. Your supervisor, on the other hand, should fill them in within 10 days of your submitting them to him or her.
Get Federal Workers’ Compensation Legal Help Today
These are only a fraction of the forms you are required to start filling in should you have a federal workers’ compensation claim. Before you put pen to paper, we’d like to invite you to get in touch with us on 877-561-3004 so we can advise you further in order to ensure that you get maximum compensation for your injuries. Thanks for choosing us.