Myths About Personal Injury Lawsuits You Should Never Believe

It is fair to state that the entertainment industry has skewed public opinion about lawsuits and their filing. Courtroom dramas have been prevalent for decades, and heated legal exchanges coupled with tense and catastrophic soundtracks are the standard way in which lawsuits and litigation are portrayed in the media, so it’s only natural that many people would have misconceptions about personal injury lawsuits. In this post, we’ll go over some of the myths about filing lawsuits with the hope that the public can have a clear and accurate picture going forward, especially when it comes to filing lawsuits after being injured by a negligent party.
Are you looking for a best personal injury attorney? The experienced injury lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping people just like you get the justice and compensation you deserve. From trial to insurance company negotiations experience, we have it all, putting us at a unique position when it comes to fighting for your rights. We work on contingency fee basis, which simply means that we won’t charge you a CENT when we take on your case, and we’ll work on it to successful completion, and only levy our legal fees once we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. Need to talk to one of our best injury attorneys for FREE? Simply call (773) 825-3547 NOW to learn more about your legal options. Serving injured victims in all 50 states.
Here are some of the most common misconceptions about the law and personal injury:
Attorneys Take the Lion’s Share of Settlement Amounts
If you do a cursory search on Google, you’ll notice that some people ask questions to the effect of “how much do personal injury attorneys make?” and “can I represent myself in a lawsuit?” This is because of the mistaken notion that lawyers are out to take advantage you and take all or most of your money in a personal injury case. This couldn’t be further from the truth, given the fact that most attorneys take anywhere between 30 to 40 percent of any settlement amount, with this percentage being enforced by law. This means that YOU get to keep the lion’s share, even after your injury lawyer has toiled away for weeks and months at your case.
Settling With the Insurance Company is Best as Cases May Take Years
The insurance company wants you to settle as soon as possible because they know they have so much to lose if your case goes to trial. This motivates them to provide you with a dollar amount a few hours or days after you meet with them, and they may even try to convince you that you may have to endure litigation for months at a time before getting anything for your claim. The reality is the complete opposite, with many injury lawsuits taking just months or up to a year. What’s great about lawyering up with regard to a personal injury lawsuits is that you will get so much more than what the insurance adjuster is offering, which will in the end help you take care of all your injuries and damages without having to stretch a dollar in an unrealistic manner.
Experienced Countrywide Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!
The best way to find out what’s real and what’s not when it comes to personal injury law is to contact one of our experienced and friendly attorneys at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about the whole process. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.