
Never Listen to These Insurance Company Lies – Injury Attorneys

Insurance companies have endeared themselves to the public thanks to the snappy and funny ads that run on TV and radio all day and night. However, this belies a dark truth about these entities, whose role it is to pay out as little and as rarely as possible in order to make as much money for its shareholders. Insurance companies will approach injured individuals such as yourself with promises of a quick settlement only if you agree to do something: this is a huge mistake, and once you agree to something they tell or ask of you, chances are you can very well kiss the chance of obtaining substantial compensation goodbye. It’s for these reasons that you must never approach the insurance company or pick up or open their emails before speaking with our experienced injury attorneys.

Are you looking for a best personal injury attorney? The experienced lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined experience helping individuals just like you get the justice and compensation they deserve. Please call us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options after having been injured by a negligent individual or business entity. What makes us different is the fact that we work on contingency fee basis, which simply means that we foot the costs of handling the case from the beginning to the end, and you don’t have to pay us a CENT for the duration of your case. We will only levy our legal fees once we’ve recovered substantial compensation. Wherever you are in the country, we can help, thanks to our network of friendly and experienced injury attorneys: simply call (773) 823-0298 NOW to receive your 100% FREE legal consultation into personal injury claims and settlements.

Insurance adjusters are employees of the insurance company, and their role is to make sure that claims are investigated and paid off as quickly as possible. They may reach out to you to start the process, but they are more often than not aggressive and use unethical tricks and lies in order to get you to act so you can take the first offer they provide you with so they can save the insurance money company. In addition, these individuals are paid in commissions and bonuses, so many of them are highly motivated to get you to settle in as little time as possible.

Here are some of the lies insurance adjusters will tell you:

  1. We can’t settle your claim until you sign these papers: Insurance adjusters will approach you when you are at your lowest point, and strapped for cash, in order to get you to act fast. To this end, they may get you to sign documents which will bar you from recovering compensation at a later date should your injuries worsen or become permanent. Do not sign anything until you speak with our injury attorneys.
  2. We just need your Social Security information first: Don’t fall for this trick, as your driving record, offenses and other sensitive information is tied to your social security number, and insurance adjusters will use it in order to devalue your claim or throw it out altogether
  3. We need you to respond to our settlement offer by a certain date or you won’t be able to recover: please note that the only deadline that matters with regard to your legal claim is the statute of limitations which is anywhere from 2 to 3 years after the accident that caused your injuries.

Best, Experienced Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!

Before speaking with the insurance company regarding your injury claim, call us FIRST at (773) 823-0298  so we can safeguard the integrity of your claim. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.