Nursing Home Lawsuit for Failure to Mitigate Stroke

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the country. Individuals over the age of 65 are particularly at risk of suffering stroke, and because of this, they must be provided with exceptional care as well as monitored so that should a stroke occur, nursing home staff can act fast and minimize the consequences of this sudden and tragic health emergency. Stroke can show up in many ways, but there are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of suffering a stroke. In addition, in people over the age of 60, one stroke will usually be followed by another one weeks or months later, so care must be taken to make the needed changes as well as mitigate for risk. If your loved one suffered a stroke that you believe that the nursing home did nothing to prevent or provide sufficient and reasonable after-care, you may be able to file a nursing home negligence lawsuit.
Are you looking to file a nursing home negligence lawsuit? If your loved one suffered a stroke at a nursing home that you believe was improperly handled leading to serious health complications, we’re here for you. The nursing home negligence attorneys at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of legal experience that they’d love to put to work for you. Please call us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to receive your 100% FREE, no-commitment consultation into nursing home abuse lawsuits. What’s great about us is that we’re not afraid to litigate if it comes down to it, and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which basically means that we don’t charge you anything as we work on your case, and only do so when we finally recover compensation on your behalf. Serving all nursing home negligence victims countrywide.
The following conditions increase the risk of suffering a stroke:
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- High cholesterol
Symptoms of a stroke include:
- Inability to talk
- Numbness that is sudden
- Trouble seeing
- Dizziness
- A severe, unexplained headache
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Fast heartbeat
A stroke usually causes an interruption of oxygen and blood to the brain. When this happen, brain tissue starts to die off. In order to prevent this, nursing home staff must act fast to stabilize the patient and call 911 in order to move the patient to a hospital so they can receive specialized care.
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In addition, a resident who has suffered a stroke should not be returned to the nursing home, and instead, receive treatment at a rehabilitation center. This is especially true if nursing home staff failed to note that the patient was suffering a stroke from the get-go, making it more likely for them to miss it a second time around. A stroke can leave an individual partly paralyzed, with massive brain damage, and even disabled. Therefore, it is vital that you protect your loved one’s rights by seeking legal redress so they can live a happy and productive life post-stroke. If your loved one suffered a stroke even after they exhibited prior symptoms, we can help. Please contact our nursing home negligence attorneys NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal claim. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.