OWCP Stress Claims – Doing This Qualifies You For Compensation

Stress can affect every facet of your life, particularly your health. USPS workers are subjected to an unusual amount of stress from difficult supervisors to demanding clients as well as tough routes and long hours. After some time spent toughing it out, even the best of us can be brought to the brink of a nervous breakdown. Therefore, an USPS stress claim can help you weather the storms of life if you feel that you need to step back for a bit due to stress-related complications so you are able to give your job as an USPS postal worker your best.
Are you looking to file a USPS stress claim? If you feel like your stress levels working with the postal service may negatively impact your health or have already started aggravating a known health condition, it may be time to look into an OWCP emotional distress claim. OWCP depression, USPS depression and OWCP PTSD claims are compensable as long as you can show a clear link between a triggering work event and the subsequent emotional reaction that led to your stress-related condition. If you’d like more information on OWCP emotional distress and how we can help you file a claim in as little time as possible, please contact our best OWCP attorneys at 1-855-233-3002 to learn more, and speak with a friendly USPS disability lawyer for FREE.
Stress can lead to the development of one of the nation’s biggest killers – a heart attack. This is because stress raises blood pressure, leading to intractable hypertension which then narrows blood vessels in and out of your heart, priming them for a blood clot, arrhythmia or rupture due to ongoing high blood pressure. In addition, anxiety, depression and panic attacks are closely linked to stress and emotional distress events in postal workers, mental conditions which can negatively impact the way you relate with others as well as drive down your quality of life.
Thankfully, stress claims in USPS workers are covered by the FECA act which requires that you meet a certain criteria in order to be considered. Here’s where it is really vital that you have a good USPS workers’ compensation benefits attorney. To get started with the process, please call us at 1-855-233-3002 for timely advice.
Here’s what you need to prove to be considered for a postal worker stress claim:
- The event that caused the alleged emotional reaction or stressful event must have taken place. Documentation as well as witness testimonies will really help your case here.
- The stressful reaction must be due to a work event which is outside of things like performance assessment, administrative directives, annual or sick leave directives which are routine and not considered to be negligent or abusive since everyone goes through them.
- You must submit objective medical evidence that you suffered emotional stress which can be tied back to your work environment or that one particular work event.
USPS Emotional Distress Statement
You will be asked to prepare a personal statement in order to qualify for an OWCP stress claim: don’t try to do this on your own because clear, objective and definitive language is needed. Again, here’s where an OWCP compensation attorney comes in: call us at 1-855-233-3002 and we’ll help you draft this document in your own words but making sure that there are no ambiguities or speculative phrases which may get your OWCP stress claim rejected.
Once you’re done with this statement, it will be handed over to your OWCP-friendly doctor who will then read it and prepare a medical report that confirms your emotional distress and trauma, their diagnosis whether the emotional reaction event is expected to be temporary or permanent, as well as if the expected disability will be partial or total.
Best OWCP Stress Claims Attorneys – Call Us Today!
Looking to make sense of it all? If you are looking to file an OWCP PTSD claim, have questions about USPS depression, or believe that you qualify for USPS stress related disability compensation, please give us a call TODAY at 1-855-233-3002. We’ll look over the particulars of your claim and advise you on the next steps to take. Remember, the call is FREE, and there’s absolutely no obligation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.