PFAS Class Action Lawsuit Military Attorneys – Find Legal Help Here

Water contamination is a sensitive topic given the carcinogenic nature of some of the chemicals found in contaminated water. It has recently been brought to light that numerous military installations across the country have been reported to have water that is contaminated with what’s called PFAS, also known as forever chemicals. These man-made chemicals were used extensively in the past in firefighting foam because of their properties as flame retardants as well as in housing insulation, but were slowly phased out over the years when their carcinogenic properties came to light. Individuals who lived and worked at various military bases who then went on to develop aggressive cancers such as lung, kidney, testicular, breast and gastric cancers may have done so after being exposed to PFAS in drinking water in an insidious manner over a number of years. If you worked at a military base and were diagnosed with cancer, you may be able to file a class action lawsuit that will help you recover money damages as well as seek out justice for your cancer and related injuries, and our PFAS water contamination attorneys are here to help with that.
File a PFAS Class Action Lawsuit
Were you diagnosed with cancer after working and living in one of the many military bases in the country? The Law Offices of McCready Law is committed to helping the men and women in uniform who protect our country get the justice and compensation they deserve after being exposed to chemicals in their water that may have caused their cancer. Please reach out to us to learn more about your legal options for compensation. What’s special about us is that we work on contingency fee basis, which means that there are no upfront fees, and that we only recover our legal fees once you’ve received compensation for your injuries. If you worked at any military installation and developed cancer after being exposed to PFAS, you may have a legal claim. Don’t wait; call us to learn more about the litigation process for PFAS lawsuits and how to get started. The call is 100% FREE, and friendly PFAS class action lawsuit military attorneys are waiting to speak with you.
PFAS were first manufactured in the 1950’s by companies such as 3M and other industrial chemical companies. It is known as a “forever chemical” as it is impervious to breaking down and can therefore stay in its original state for hundreds, or even thousands of years. The danger inherent in this premise is that it can linger in tissue and blood, causing inflammation, cellular and hormonal changes, which can all conspire to change cellular and DNA expression, resulting in mutations, and finally, the growth of abnormal cells and cancers.
It is estimated that just about every American has a certain level of PFAS in the blood. This was discovered after the Environmental Protection Agency or the EPA tested drinking water in 27 states. Consequently, it created and recommended an advisory limit that would determine what would constitute acceptable limits of the chemical. That said, this advisory limit cannot be legally upheld, which means that those that supply water to military installations do not have to follow it. Having said that, research has shown that there is no such thing as an acceptable level of PFAS in water, as even a miniscule amount can lead to cellular changes and increase risk of various cancers.
Some of the most common cancers associated with PFAS contamination include:
- Kidney cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Thyroid cancer
- Breast cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Lymphoma
- Myeloma
- Leukemia
- Gastric cancer
- Liver cancer
Here’s a list of military bases whose drinking water was found to be PFAs contaminated:
- Ellsworth Air force Base
- Pease Air force Base
- Port Huneme Naval Base
- Alameda Naval Base
- Peterson Air force Base
- Patrick Air Force Base
- Seymour Johnson Air Force Base
- Wurtsmith Air Force Base
- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
- Chanute Air Force Base
- NAS Oceana Naval Base
- Dover Air Force Base
- China Lake Naval Base
- Dallas Naval Base
- England Air Force Base
The water in and near military bases got contaminated over the years due to these installations’ use of firefighting foam that was primarily made of PFAS in order to train personnel as well as put out fires. When this foam would wash away, it would eventually find itself draining into nearby rivers and lakes, water bodies that the military used as primary sources of water supplies.
The cancer-causing properties of PFAs have been known about since the 1960s, and it can be surmised that the federal government as well as contractors that supply the government with firefighting foam failed in their duty of care to keep military personnel safe from the harmful effects of the chemicals contained therein. As a result, it may be possible to file a lawsuit with a water contamination attorney in order to recover money damages for your cancer and other health complications due to AFFF PFAs in military water.
Some of the damages include:
- Cost of past and future medical care
- Mental anguish
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
- Loss of earning capacity
- Loss of consortium
- Pain and suffering
- Legal fees
- …and so much more.
Military Contaminated Water PFAS Lawsuits – Get Legal Help Today!
Because the U.S. Military enjoys immunity from all forms of litigation, the companies or entities that can be sued include 3M, DuPont, Chemguard, Tyco Fire Products, National Foam and the Chemours Company, to name but a few. By working with a military water PFAs contamination attorney, you’ll be able to create a compelling case replete with relevant and persuasive, objective evidence that will greatly influence how much you will receive as compensation. Cancer is expensive to treat, and you deserve a fighting chance. If you were at any of the military installations listed above and developed cancer even after your exit from the military, you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation. Please call our military base water contamination lawsuit attorneys NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options. Thanks, and we look forward to serving you.