Returning to Work After a TBI – Illinois Brain Injury Attorneys

A traumatic brain injury is life-changing, and it can impact you both personally and professionally. If you are the head of your household, or you are a major contributor to said household, resuming work is an inescapable reality after you’ve fully recovered from your TBI. Traumatic brain injury lawsuits in Chicago can be complex due to the extent of the injuries suffered by victims as well as their long-term consequences as they relate to the cognitive, social and emotional well-being of the person. To this end, you want to make sure you seek out the best legal representation to ensure that you receive maximum compensation that will take care of any future eventualities going forward.
Are you looking for a TBI attorney anywhere in Illinois? Call our traumatic injury lawyers in Chicago NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about the validity and true value of your claim. These cases are sensitive due to the sometimes unpredictable prognosis associated with these injuries, so you want the best Chicago TBI lawyers on your side. Call 1 (773) 825-3547 and benefit from our more than 70 years of combined experience helping people just like you get the maximum compensation and justice as allowed by the law after suffering a traumatic brain injury in Illinois.
Starting a New Job After Recovering From a TBI
According to legislation laid out by the Americans with Disabilities Act, a traumatic brain injury is viewed as a disability. To this end, your discrimination is prohibited and punishable under the law. For instance, if you, after having reached maximum medical recovery, decide to go out and look for a new job, your employer is prohibited from asking you to undergo a medical exam unless it is deemed necessary to the performance of work duties. In addition, even when it is requested of you, you do not have to agree to it until after it is offered to you conditionally.
Returning To Work
As an employer returning to their job after recovering from a Chicago brain injury, your employer should make reasonable accommodations to your workplace or the conditions surrounding it so you can perform your duties in a comfortable manner that doesn’t impede your health or worsen it. This can include making changes to your office space such as making an ergonomic computer or chair available for you, moving the workplace away from bright lights and noise so you’re not always on edge on account of an easily triggered startle reflex, and even offering some amount of flexibility with regard to your work schedule so you can ease into normal work duties over the next couple of weeks.
Need Prompt Legal Help? Call for Your Free Consultation!
Was your Chicago traumatic brain injury caused by the negligence of another individual such as in the case of a Chicago truck or car accident case? Call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to receive free legal help from one of our friendly attorneys regarding your legal options for compensation. We look forward to hearing from you.