Seizures After an Auto Accident – Are They Related? Do I Qualify for Compensation?

Auto accidents can result in traumatic brain injury due to the various forces exerted upon the body upon impact, as well as the potential for a vehicle to either roll and flip over, or passengers being ejected from the vehicle. Traumatic brain injuries after an auto accident can be catastrophic and life-changing, and one of the common complications associated with this type of injury is post-traumatic seizures. Seizures refer to abnormal electrical function in the brain, leading to involuntary movements, cognitive impairment, loss of consciousness, dizziness, and other neurological complications. Seizures of this nature must be managed via timely treatment, surgery and rehabilitation in order to ensure a good prognosis; however, permanent injury and complications are not uncommon.
Auto accidents involve an element of negligence as 90 percent of all so-called “accidents” have been demonstrated by statistics to have a human component. To this end, it is important to retain the services of an experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer to preserve your rights so you can get the justice and compensation you deserve to make your life whole again, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best auto accident attorney? For close to three decades, the experienced traumatic brain injury lawyers at McCready Law have helped thousands of individuals just like you get the justice and compensation they need to rebuild their lives after being harmed by the negligent or intentional actions of another individual. We pride ourselves in not being afraid of litigation unlike most firms that choose the easy insurance company negotiations route which more often than not results in a paltry compensation compared to litigation. We serve all traumatic brain injury auto accident victims across the country, and we run a bilingual office (hablamos Espanol).
These types of cases are taken on on contingency fee basis, and what this simply means is that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the case, as we only recover our fees at the end of the process, and only when we’ve won your case for you. If you’d like your 100% FREE consultation into all things auto accident injuries and compensation, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about how we can help restore your dignity and life – our best auto accident injury lawyers are standing by.
Post-Traumatic Seizures
Post-traumatic seizures are a form of epilepsy characterized by ongoing seizures. However, these types of seizures only occur after one suffers a head injury or form of head trauma. Convulsions are an involuntary series of muscle contractions and movements, and they are common in individuals with post-traumatic seizures.
It is also not uncommon for victims to black out or lose complete consciousness. Disorientation, confusion, having a hard time speaking or articulating, as well as headaches, nausea, and sensory disturbances such as hallucinations may be present. Post-traumatic seizures may be occult or hidden, and can occur weeks, months or even years after an auto accident. Their delayed presentation is the very reason why they may be difficult to manage or predict, and the sufferer’s quality of life may diminish as they may have to be on medication indefinitely or limit their movement in order to prevent any falls related to seizures.
Left untreated or if poorly managed, post-traumatic seizures can result in a number of complications such as:
- Cognitive impairment, which can be defined as the disruption in one’s ability to understand or manipulate their environment as well as navigate conversations, information and so on. Each seizure one suffers may lead to a small amount of brain damage, which can over time cause poor problem-solving skills, difficulty focusing and concentration and so on. As a result, sufferers of post-traumatic seizures may have a hard time retaining new information, completing simple tasks on a daily basis, or even thinking critically, things most of us take for granted. Cognitive decline soon sets in, and the reality of permanent disability may be possible for victims of post-traumatic seizures.
- Physical disabilities are also associated with post-traumatic seizures as a complication due to the falls one may experience as a result of loss of consciousness due to uncontrolled muscle contractions. Individuals with this condition may not be able to anticipate these falls, so it’s not uncommon for them to fall on concrete or even asphalt, fall down the stairs, and even into glass doors and metal, leading to severe injuries. in addition, if there is considerable brain damage due to these seizures, one may become paralyzed and have trouble coordinating hand, eye and leg movements, as well as have a hard time assessing their environment via their senses. These disabilities may put an end to mobility and independent living and require the help of an assistant or minder.
- Post-traumatic seizures also come with behavioral or emotional issues due to the stress of living with such a condition and its unpredictability. It is not uncommon for sufferers to go into a deep depression and anxiety, as well as become impulsive, irritable and experience personality changes. In order to cope with their new reality or even self-medicate, many individuals living with post-traumatic seizures may turn to drugs or alcohol, leading to addictions and further health complications.
Managing Seizures
Thankfully, post-traumatic seizures can be managed via timely diagnosis and treatment. A multi-pronged approach is needed, as medications or surgery alone may not be sufficient to ensure lasting recovery.
- Anticonvulsant medication is one of the gold standards when it comes to the treatment of post-traumatic seizures. Anticonvulsants reduce or stabilize electric activity in the brain by manipulating calcium channels and neurotransmitters. This in turn limits the severity or frequency of seizures, helping individuals live a normal life and avoiding complications such as falls and further injury.
- Surgery may also be required in cases where medication does not fully work at controlling seizures, and this may address any injury or abnormality which may cause intractable seizures. Surgeons may decide to either isolate or excise parts of the brain that may be responsible for seizure activity, or they may even implant responsive neurostimulators or vagus nerve stimulators so electrical activity in your brain can be regulated.
- Physical therapy also plays a huge role in recovery, as exercises to strengthen muscles, improve muscle and conditioning the body can have a major impact in restoring balance and coordination which may have been affected after the accident. Physical therapy is also very important as it enables individuals to regain a semblance of independence so they can go back to doing what they comfortably did prior to the accident and injury.
- Occupational therapy can help post-traumatic seizure patients regain the ability to carry out daily living tasks such as showering, cooking, cleaning and so on. Occupational therapists work closely with patients to find strategies that can better help them move around their world with ease. In some cases, you may also be approved for home modification such as the installation of motorized lifts and handle bars or assistive devices such as wheelchairs, canes and so on in order to boost your independence and safety.
- Last but certainly not least, is psychosocial support, which plays a pivotal role in ensuring that patients understand there is life after post-traumatic seizure. Social workers, counselors, and psychologists will offer you tools to cope with your new reality, support groups for emotional support and access to civil advocacy groups will ensure you’re in a good head space to be able to tackle any challenges that may come your way in the future.
Proving Negligence in Auto Accident Cases
Traumatic brain injuries after an auto accident are compensable under personal injury law. This is an area of the law which relies on proving negligence in order to recover money damages as a form of compensation. That said, it’s not as cut and dry as you may think, as the burden of proof will lie on you: that is to say, you must prove a series or legal factors in order to qualify for compensation.
First, you must prove that the other driver owed you a duty of care to keep you safe on the road via the operation of their vehicle in a reasonably safe manner. Next, you must show that the individual breached this duty of care by acting in a negligent manner such as driving while under the influence, illegal merging, distracted driving and so on.
You must also show that you suffered compensable damages as a direct result of the breaching of this duty of care, and list the specific damages that you seek.
Best, Countrywide Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!
By working with our best traumatic brain injury attorneys, we’ll help investigate the accident extensively by gathering evidence in a timely manner, examine police reports, take witness statements and via your medical records, establish causation. We will also create a bullet-proof claim by liaising with medical experts and show your post-traumatic seizures were unequivocally caused by the traumatic brain injury you suffered after your accident, as well as negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.
If we believe we can get you a better settlement however, we will litigate your case in court for maximum compensation. Regardless of your current condition, please, give us a call TODAY at 312-444-0214 and let us do the heavy lifting for you in representing you and ensuring you get the compensation that is commensurate with the severity of your traumatic brain injury.
Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.