
Should I Use The H-Wave Device for Chronic Pain After an Accident?

Chronic pain after an injury sustained in an accident such as a slip and fall event or automobile crash can be unrelenting, and in some cases, even disabling. Pain can also change the way you interact with the world, turning a once-bubbly personality into a sullen and withdrawn one. There are many treatment modalities when it comes to the treatment of chronic pain, and science has since moved from the old days of prescribing injections and pills to patients, some of whom go on to develop an addiction to these pain-relieving chemicals long after their pain is gone. Thankfully, it is now possible to treat chronic pain after an accident using non-invasive and non-addictive means such as the H-Wave device, an FDA-approved muscle contraction device that targets pain areas, enriching it with nutrients and stimulating the production of new blood vessels to the area to speed up healing as well as provide lasting pain relief.

Did your doctor recommend the use of the H-Wave machine as a pain patient after an injury? Please follow your doctor’s instructions AND reach out to us at (773) 309-6249 to help you with the legal side of your injuries. The use of an H-Wave device will significantly and positively impact the outcome of your injury claim in more ways than one. The attorneys at McCready Law have helped thousands of individuals over the last 90 YEARS get the legal help they truly deserve after being injured by the negligent actions of another individual. What’s more is that we take on all cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don’t pay us ANYTHING as we process your case, and we only charge you at the END of the claim, after we’ve recovered money on your behalf. Please call and speak with one of our friendly and experienced injury attorneys at NO COST to you – that number is (773) 309-6249, and there’s no legal obligation.

How Does the H-Wave Device Work?

The H-Wave device works by emitting certain electric frequencies that stimulate muscle contraction in specific areas where you are experiencing pain. Electrodes are placed in problem areas after which current is turned on. This stimulates the blood vessels and muscles in this area, and this speeds up blood and lymphatic  circulation, helping the body get rid of the inflammatory cytokines that are thought to be responsible for chronic pain at a much faster rate. One these waste products are gone, the body’s natural healing processes can kick in so you can heal in a more efficient and rapid manner.

H-Wave for Chronic Pain After a Car Accident

The use of H-wave machine technology is a safe way of achieving lasting pain relief. However, from a legal standpoint, we encourage patients that are suffering to use this device as it will be proof that your injuries are legitimate, and the chronic pain you are experiencing is a direct result of the injuries you sustained. Objective medical evidence is a surefire way of getting the insurance company to sit up and take note because were your case to ever go to trial, they would not be able to come up with convincing defense arguments why you shouldn’t receive the damages you are seeking.

Experienced Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!

Injured in an accident and are considering using the H-Wave device? Please contact us NOW at (773) 309-6249  to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. We look forward to hearing from you.