A dog bite can be mentally and physically scarring, leading to thousands of dollars in treatment and therapy costs. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people across the country are bitten by dogs that may or may not have been provoked. This is something that is covered under insurers such as State Farm, which paid over $100 million in claims last year.
Illinois Takes Second Spot in Dog Bite Claims
Illinois came in second according to the just released State Farm report on dog bites by state. It’s not public knowledge that Illinois is a “strict liability” state when it comes to dog bites, meaning that dog owners don’t get one free warning before action is taken against them legally. Other states are much more lenient and give the dog’s owner sufficient time to train their dog on how to act around people as well as control them around a stranger.
Dog Bite Insurance in Indiana
It is usually a good idea to get rental insurance if you are renting a house in Indiana in order to get coverage should you suffer a dog bite in or around your premises. As a rule of thumb, most landlords do not cover dog bites under a lease, something which can leave you scrambling for money to pay for Indiana dog bite treatment cases.
Indiana Dog Bites – What the Law Says
The State Farm report goes on to list Indiana in the 9th spot with regard to dog bite payments doled out, with the figure standing at $4.2 million, and over 100 claims lodged by state residents. At the same time, the “strict liability” statute also applies for Indiana dog bite cases, and the law goes on to state that the dog owner can be held liable if the dog was not provoked. On top of that, any Indiana dog owner can be held liable regardless of whether or not they knew about their dog’s vicious nature as well as if their dog hasn’t had a vicious episode in the past. To summarize Indiana dog bite laws, one can say that the law looks favorably upon dog bite victims.
Got bit by a dog in Indiana? Please contact our Indiana dog bite lawyer today on 877-561-3004 for your free consultation. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you won’t pay us anything unless we win your case for you. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing from you.