Suffered an Achilles Heel Tendon Rupture as a USPS Worker? Start Here for Compensation

Postal workers have to walk, run, and jump in an attempt to deliver letters and packages to clients each day. The work of a USPS last mile worker can be stressful and tiresome, and the fatigue can cause them to make cognitive mistakes and missteps, leading to injuries. The Achilles tendon is a tissue that connects the calf to the leg on each side, and it is the largest tendon in the human body. It is responsible for the lifting of the human leg as well as forward movement, and it is vital when it comes to making sudden movements and jumping, making it a necessity in the daily work and movements of the average postal worker. USPS workers often have to walk long distances each day as some areas may not be reachable via their vans, and they may also have to go up many flights of stairs to deliver these packages and other pieces of mail. An Achilles tendon rupture can not only be excruciatingly painful, it can also put a worker out of commission for weeks or months, and should it not heal in the proper manner or fully, the USPS last mile worker may find it impossible to return to work without aggravating the injury and suffering additional health complications.
Thankfully, the FECA legislation, which was passed into law at the turn of last century, outlines a number of considerations for injured federal workers who get injured on the job, making it possible for them to seek compensation for their injuries by following a series of steps and filling in the correct paperwork. However, the process is often mired in bureaucracy and delays, as well as complex paperwork and the application of various legal principles which may not be easy for the average injured postal worker to understand. To this end, you need the keen eyes of an experienced FERS disability compensation lawyer to provide you with timely support so your claim can be accepted at the outset, and we’re here to help with this and so much more.
Are you looking for the best FERS disability compensation lawyer? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The skilled FERS disability benefits attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of combined experience where we’ve helped federal workers from all arms of the government seek compensation for injuries, illnesses and even acquired disabilities in a timely and effective manner. Our fees are not only reasonable, they also are reviewed by OPM to ensure fairness and are in line with what other attorneys in this field charge for your specific injury or disability. We also charge flat hourly consultation and case review rates that do not change for the entirety of your claim, and we make sure to keep you in the loop every step of the way. We have access to a network of physicians who understand the unique situations and needs of injured postal workers, ensuring that your medical report is written in line with the requirements of OPM, ensuring prompt benefits approval. If you’re a postal worker who suffered an Achilles rupture, you may be able to file a claim in order to be accepted into the FERS disability compensation process which will run until a time when you reach maximum medical improvement or MMI, or retirement, whichever comes first. Please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation and for 100% FREE legal advice into all things FERS disability compensation – our intake team is standing by.
Achilles Tendon Rupture in Postal Workers – Symptoms and Causes
An Achilles tendon rupture happens when the tendon is either partly or completely torn and is usually seen in activities which feature sudden movements such as jumping, sprinting or pivoting. When the rupture occurs, one feels a sensation as if they are kicked in the heel, after which the pain sets in and an inability to walk. Sometimes, you may hear a popping sound as the tendon ruptures, but this isn’t always a guarantee.
Some of the most common symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture include:
- A sharp pain in the back of the calf or ankle which can feel like a kick
- The individual may find it difficult to walk or bear weight on the affected foot
- There may be swelling around the ankle and heel which may interfere with your ability to walk
- The affected heel and ankle may be tender to the touch, making you flinch should a person try to touch the area
- One may also have a hard time pointing their toes or pushing off the affected foot.
Some of the most common causes of Achilles tendon rupture in USPS postal workers include:
- Physical job demands such as lifting heavy packages, walking long distances, navigating steps and flights of stairs and so on, placing mechanical stress on the Achilles tendon, making it more likely to rupture
- Wearing the wrong type of footwear for the job which provide little to no arch and heel support which in turn may place a considerable amount of strain on the Achilles tendon
- The presence of pre-existing conditions such as tendonitis, diabetes, and even obesity can all increase the likelihood of injury
- Making sudden movements such as turning quickly as they pick a package from the vehicle, leading to unexpected tendon overload, precipitating in a rupture.
Treatment for Achilles Tendon Rupture in USPS Last Mile Workers
If an Achilles tendon rupture is suspected, a medical exam and imaging tests such as ultrasound and MRI may be needed, and treatment may be non-surgical or surgical depending on the severity of the rupture, your activity level, age and health in general. For non-surgical treatment, the doctor may advise rest and taking weight off the affected foot, the application of ice packs to manage the swelling, the use of an elastic compression bandage to provide support to the affected area, some physical therapy once the pain is gone, as well as keeping the foot elevated. Individual who have more severe or complete tears may have to undergo surgery, which involves making an incision at the back of the heel to access the tendon which is then brought and stitched together. Percutaneous repair on the other hand is minimally invasive and uses small incisions to repair the tendon rupture.
Best FERS Disability Compensation Lawyers for Injured Postal Workers – Call Us Today!
Achilles tendon rupture in USPS workers is one of the most serious injuries which may put you out of commission for weeks and even months. Because of this, you may be an ideal candidate to receive FERS disability benefits. We’d love to help process the paperwork on your behalf as well as ensuring that your medical report demonstrates causation as well as ensuring that the application is sent over to OPM in a timely manner so you can start receiving your benefits in record time: call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 regardless of where you are in the country, and we’ll get you started on the journey to compensation as an injured USPS postal worker. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.