Suffered Hip Bursitis as a USPS Last Mile Worker? Compensation Options Available for You
USPS workers must exert themselves on a daily basis at work, lifting trays, pushing carts, carrying boxes and packages up flights of stairs and hills and so on in order to get them to the customer. This high activity job therefore makes a worker prone to injuries you wouldn’t typically see in other professions. USPS workers, whether stationed at sorting centers or as last mile workers who have to walk up to doors, stoops, porches and gates, often suffer injuries of the muscles or tendons which can be debilitating and put them out of work for months at a time.
One such injury is bursitis of the hip, which is medically determined as the inflammation of a small fluid-filled sac found between bones, tendons and muscles, known as the bursa. Bursitis is common in professions which feature repetitive motion and overuse, such as USPS worker activities, and it typically affects the hip joint and radiates all the way back to the buttocks. The pain can make it difficult to lift and carry heavy packages without significant pain, and it can affect anyone and any sex at any age.
At first, injured postal workers who have been affected with hip bursitis may attempt to ignore the issue, thinking it’s just run-of-the-mill muscle fatigue, but become concerned when the pain becomes worse over time, leading to a complete inability to work and needing to stay at home and alleviate the excruciating pain.
Under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act or FECA, all injured or unwell postal federal employees are eligible for compensation if they suffer an injury on the job; however, the process isn’t as straightforward as this Act makes it out to be, and many denials are issued which then leads to a long journey of appeals and delays. To this end, it is important to seek out an experienced and aggressive injured USPS worker attorney in order to ensure that all your t’s are crossed, and I’s are dotted, and we’re here to help with that.
Nationwide Support for Injured Postal Workers – Learn Your Rights
Are you looking for the best federal workers’ compensation lawyer for injured USPS workers? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced USPS worker injury attorneys at McCready Law have helped thousands of injured individuals just like you receive compensation after getting injured on the job and apply for benefits from OWCP as a federal worker. At McCready Law, we understand the difficult times postal workers face immediately after their injury, and because of this, we have instituted flexible monthly payment plans so you can comfortably and convenience access our legal expertise without worrying about the cost.
In addition, our fees must be reviewed by OWCP to ensure they are in line with typical representation fees and that they are fair in relation to the amount of compensation you are seeking, protecting your interests and making sure that the bulk of the money remains in your pockets. Our best injured postal worker lawyers have nationwide reach, so feel free to give us a call wherever you are in the country, and we will put our best foot forward to help offer legal advice, connect you to OWCP-savvy doctors as well as other resources you need during this challenging time in your life. If you’d like to speak with one of our compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys regarding your compensation options for bursitis in postal workers, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 – our intake team is standing by.
Hip Bursitis in Postal Workers – Causes and Symptoms
Bursitis of the hip refers to inflammation of the hip due to various factors such as:
- Injury – falling or twisting one’s hip or knee may cause bursitis
- Repetitive activities which require bending or lifting may lead to bursa irritation
- As we age, the wear and tear in one’s joints make it more likely for one to suffer bursitis
- The existence of an underlying condition such as diabetes or arthritis may make it more likely for one to suffer bursitis
Some of the most common symptoms that may point to hip bursitis include:
- Tenderness around the hip area, and you may wince when you attempt to touch it
- Localized pain on the outer side of the hip which may go all the way down the thigh
- Inflammation, redness and swelling of the hip area
- The hip area may become stiff and resistant to moving, particularly due to prolonged periods of standing or sitting
- The postal worker with bursitis may experience worsening pain during certain activities such as climbing stairs, sleeping on the affected hip, or simply walking
How is Hip Bursitis in Injured Postal Workers Diagnosed and Treated?
Diagnosing hip bursitis in injured postal workers starts with doing a full medical history assessment in order to understand the nature of the injury and how long the postal worker has been dealing with the symptoms, their typical job duties and demands, the physical exam involves palpating the affected area to determine the level and location of the pain and potential injury, as well as ask the affected postal worker to move their foot in order to reproduce the pain. Imaging tests may also be carried out in order to confirm the diagnosis. This may include things like an MRI exam to see the state of the soft tissues around the hip, X-rays to determine if there are any bone abnormalities, and ultrasound to see the state of the bursa.
Some of the most common treatment options for hip bursitis include:
- Rest and immobility to help the body heal itself
- Ice therapy where ice packs are applied to the hip area to help with swelling and pain
- Physical therapy to strengthen hip muscles and stimulate repair of the same.
- Over-the-counter pain medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Corticosteroid injections if the case is severe
- Bursectomy which involves the surgical removal of the inflamed bursa
- Surgery to repair any torn tendons
Experienced Injured USPS Worker Lawyers – Call Us Today!
When it comes to seeking compensation for hip bursitis in injured postal workers, the establishment of causation is one thing that will either make or break your claim. To this end, it is important that you seek medical assessment and that your physician provides you with factual medical rationale with supporting evidence and documentation which proves or demonstrates that you suffered hip bursitis, as well as the work activity that caused it.
In addition, you must fill in required forms such as CA-2 in a timely manner, and attach evidence such as imaging results, medical reports and an objective narrative report from your physician. Receiving a schedule award for this kid of injury can be challenging, as OWCP case managers may oppose the evidence or deem it insufficient to warrant compensation.
The process is notoriously known for having miles of bureaucratic red tape and as such, it is important to have experienced counsel by your side. Don’t face OWCP on your own: give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation as a postal worker with bursitis: remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.