Suing for Chemical Burns and Exposure at a Factory – Vital Information For Factory Workers

When you work in a factory, you can expect to be around a number of chemicals due to their necessity when it comes to manufacturing goods and items. They can be used as solvents, raw materials, cleaning materials and even in the refining process in the case of a gold foundry where bars are made. Chemicals, whether solid, liquid or gas have transformed our world and made it a comfortable place to live in. That said, chemical spills happen with horrifying regularity across America, and the injuries factory workers sustain can be catastrophic and life-changing.
The Occupational Safety and Health Organization or OSHA, is a governmental body which is tasked with creating and enforcing workplace safety policies that all managers and business owners must adhere to at all times. OSHA protects the well-being of workers across America via these safety guidelines, and contravention of these guidelines may have far-reaching legal consequences for the owners of factories and other businesses.
Factory workers are owed a duty of care by their managers and supervisors where their superiors are required to ensure work environments are safe at all times, hazards are clearly marked out, so workers can avoid them or take necessary steps to protect themselves, offer training and personal protective equipment or PPE, and ensure that workers are aware of the emergency protocol they must follow in the event there is a chemical spill.
To this end, there should be no room for excuses should an accident occur, as if OSHA regulations are followed to the letter, there shouldn’t be accidents that happen. Human negligence is thought to play a significant role in the occurrence of accidents and injuries, with conservative estimates putting this figure at 90 percent. If you suffered injuries due to a chemical spill at a factory, you have every right to file a lawsuit in order to recover compensation and justice, and we’re here to help you with that.
How We Help Victims of Chemical Exposure and Factory Injuries Nationwide
Are you looking for the best chemical burns factory injury attorney? Please call us at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced factory chemical spills injury lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of experience where we’ve helped thousands of Americans from all walks of life, recovering hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation in the process, helping people rebuild their lives after falling victim to the negligent actions of individuals or corporation.
Our best burn injuries lawyers are different due to our vast trial experience, something most attorneys and law firms handling chemical spills do not have on account of the fact that litigation is expensive and may be a gamble if you aren’t highly skilled or lack experience: however, litigation may net you a much higher payout with regard to your compensation compared to insurance company negotiations, but in cases where one has suffered severe burns and even organ damage due to chemical spills and burns in a factory, a court trial may be what is needed to make sure you recover maximum compensation for long-term care.
In addition to having a bilingual staff (hablamos Español), we take on all cases on contingency fee basis which means there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of your claim, as we will only levy our legal fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve won your case for you. We serve a countrywide clientele, so give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 regardless of where you are in the country, and we’ll get you started on your factory injury lawsuit – our intake team is standing by.
The Different Types of Factory Chemicals and How They Can Lead to Injury
Here are some of the chemicals used or processed in factories across America:
Acids are used extensively in factory settings, with the most common ones being hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. When they come into contact with the skin, they can cause severe burns, eating away at the skin if not washed off in a timely manner which is sometimes within seconds upon skin contact. In addition, inhaling vapors emanating from these acids may lead to respiratory complications, and workers are required to wear PPE in order to protect themselves if working around acids.
Also known as alkalis, with one example being sodium hydroxide, these compounds also have caustic properties and may cause eye damage and skin burns should a spill occur. Factory workers who come into contact with alkalis may suffer deep tissue damage and respiratory tract irritation. Base chemical exposure is treated by washing the area with water and seeking immediate medical attention.
Solvents like acetone and benzene may be used to degrease or clean applications, but they may be highly dangerous should a worker become exposed to them over prolonged periods of time. Factory workers may experience dizziness, headaches and respiratory irritation, and should the exposure become chronic, they may suffer organ damage. To this end, proper ventilation and the wearing of PPE is non-negotiable when it comes to working with solvents.
Heavy Metals
Mercury, lead and cadmium are often byproducts of manufacturing, and due to their heavy metals classification, may be dangerous to human health should they come into contact with them. Heavy metal contamination refers to the insidious accumulation of these compounds inside the human body over time, leading to issues such as kidney dysfunction, neurological damage, seizures, headaches and even some cancers.
Best Factory Chemical Exposure Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!
Negligence plays a significant role in injuries caused by chemical spills and exposure, as the use of PPIs as well as proper training on how to handle chemicals should eliminate the chances of injury, whittling them down to negligible levels.
To this end, it is important to consult with a chemical exposure attorney to determine what really went wrong, the different parties who may be held liable, to commence the preservation of evidence as well as talking to witnesses who may have witnessed the event. Before you talk to anyone or sign anything, please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about how we can help you secure compensation for your injuries. Remember, we take on cases countrywide, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.