
Tasigna Heart Attack and Stroke Lawsuit Update in 2022

The narrowing of arteries is the hallmark of atherosclerosis, which is a disease that is often seen in older adults who have chosen poor lifestyle paths where they overindulge in fatty foods high in cholesterol, as well as fail to exercise. Doctors and scientists have long known that fat is not good for the human body due to its propensity to coalesce or harden in one’s blood vessels, and over time, cause blockages that can set off a cascade of events which can lead to either a heart attack or stroke. It therefore comes as a shock and surprise when it was recently revealed after a decade of deception that the cancer drug Tasigna has been shown to have the potential to cause atherosclerosis due to its action on certain proteins needed by leukemia to grow and spread. Tasigna is specifically used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia, which is a cancer of the bone marrow where blood forming organs produce immature red blood cells which then turn cancerous due to their abnormal nature. Tasigna was once hailed as a blockbuster drug as it was able to halt and even reverse the spread of leukemia and related tumors, thereby prolonging the lives of patients and even sending some patients into leukemia. However, the makers of Tasigna conveniently left out the fact that in lab studies, the drug was shown to have adverse cardiovascular effects in the animal studies carried out. To this end, if you developed a heart condition, stroke or a heart attack while taking Tasigna for your leukemia, you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you looking for a best Tasigna class action lawsuit attorney? Please contact us NOW at (773) 373-2375 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced Tasigna heart attack lawsuit attorneys at McCready Law have combined legal experience which spans over 90 YEARS which we’d love to put to work on your behalf. What makes us different from other law firms is the fact that we are not afraid to litigate, and have the resources to do so. We have so far taken over 70 CASES to court on behalf of past clients and successfully recovered compensation, and this puts us at a unique position when it comes to helping you get compensated for Tasigna heart attack claims due the fact that we know how the court systems work and have the experience as well as resources to go head to head with insurance companies and large corporations. It is alleged that Tasigna manufacturer, the Swiss company Novartis which has a presence in the U.S. hid from the public the fact that Tasigna in very preliminary studies was shown to have adverse cardiovascular effects.  Its failure to let the public know so they could make an informed decision regarding whether or not to take the medication put patients at risk of death, thereby committing an egregiously negligent act for which you can sue for. Regardless of where you are in the country, if you got injured after taking Tasigna by way of suffering cardiovascular complications or a stroke, you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation – please call us NOW at (773) 373-2375 to speak with one of us: the call is 100% FREE!

Tasigna is used in the treatment of a cancer known as chronic myelogenous leukemia, which is a cancer of the red blood cells in short. Some individuals are prone to this cancer on account of a gene mutation that is thought to originate from the Philadelphia chromosome. Mutated genes can cause blood cells to be released from the bone marrow in a premature manner, which then sets off a cascade of biological reactions that turns immature cells into cancer cells.

How Does Tasigna Work?

Tasigna belongs to a class of drugs known as tyrosine kinase inhibitors which work by interfering with the synthesis of a compound known as tyrosine kinase that is thought to be responsible for the aggressiveness of leukemia and other cancers. By blocking tyrosine kinase, cells that were cancerous stop growing and then simply autodestruct over time, thereby saving the patient’s life, or prolonging their lifespan depending on the progress of the cancer.

Tasigna was approved by the FDA back in 2007 for individuals who have the Philadelphia chromosome who develop chronic myeloid leukemia. Prior to Tasigna, a drug named Gleevec which had been used to treat Leukemia had been in use for a long time, but its patent ran out.

Some of the most common side-effects associated with Tasigna include:

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Kidney pain
  3. Chest pain, also known as angina
  4. Feeling warm in ones chest or limbs
  5. Shortness of breath

How Does Tasigna Cause Heart Disease and Blockage?

Peripheral artery disease is an umbrella term which is used to describe a constellation of conditions which affect arteries that feed the heart, lungs, brain and other vital organs. The deposition of plaque made of a substance known as cholesterol has the potential to cause complete blockage of these vessels, which can then cause the formation of blood clots or the stoppage of blood flow, resulting in a sudden heart attack. The condition is usually slow and insidious, but Tasigna can cause it in less than 2 years if the patient is taking said medication on a regular basis. In medical literature, Tasigna has been shown to cause 100 percent blockage of arteries, which usually causes a cardiovascular event which may require open heart surgery so that a stent can be installed to keep blood vessels open.

Tasigna Heart Attack and Stroke Lawsuit Attorneys – Call Us NOW!

Due to Novartis’s deception and putting your life in danger as a cancer patient unaware of the cardiovascular risk associated with Tasigna use, you may be eligible for compensation through the filing of a lawsuit in order to recover money damages for things such as lost wages, pain and suffering, medical bills, loss of income earning capacity, legal fees and so much more. If you developed heart problems and suffered a stroke after taking Tasigna, please call us NOW at (773) 373-2375 to learn more about how to get started on your lawsuit. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.