The Hidden Costs of Farm Worker Injury and Why Legal Representation is Non-Negotiable

Agriculture plays a vital role in the wellbeing of our nation, and even though a lot of our food is imported, a considerable amount is grown right here in the country, which means that tens of thousands of agricultural and farm workers work hard every day to ensure that plants are taken care of, harvested and processed in order to get food on the table for one and all.
Agricultural workers are often overlooked, as most consumers do not understand or have an appreciation of the role they play when it comes to their role in ensuring produce gets to them. Workers are responsible for land preparation, seed sowing, fertilizing and irrigation, spraying of herbicide and pesticide, harvesting, storage, processing and transportation of these crops to the end consumer. Therefore, should there be a labor issue within a known bread basket, the issue could compound and cascade, affecting entire communities and cities.
Farm workers are protected under workers’ compensation insurance, and the law requires that their managers or employers provide them with a safe working environment at all times as well as sufficient training and personal protective equipment so they avoid any preventable injuries. This duty of care, if breached, may attract a legal claim which can help the injured farm hand seek compensation as well as pay for medical bills, lost wages and so on.
Even though the process seems simple, many farms and their management are not amenable to accepting legitimate injury claims and as such, engage their insurance companies in games of cat and mouse and deception just so they do not have to pay the full amount of damages asked by the injured farm worker, in an effort to maintain their bottom line. To this end, you will need the services of an experienced farm worker injury lawyer to understand your rights as well as any hidden damages you may be entitled to, and we’re here to help you with this and so much more.
Are you looking for a best farm workers injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced farm worker injury lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table combined legal experience spanning over 90 years where we’ve helped tens of thousands of injured Americans from all walks of life as well as around the country, and recovered over $260 million to date.
What sets us apart from other law firms is that we are not afraid to litigate valid claims where the client has sustained substantial or catastrophic, life-changing injuries which often results in a fair and commensurate payout allowing them to seek the care and rehabilitation they need to make them whole again.
By contrast, most law firms simply engage insurance company representatives in settlement negotiations which end up with the client receiving insufficient compensation that leaves them in the lurch.
In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of referral injury lawyers and law firms, we also run a bilingual firm (hablamos Español), and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of the claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the claim, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf.
If you were injured while working at a farm and suspect negligence had a role to play in your event, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to speak with one of our best agricultural worker injury attorneys to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – the call is 100% FREE, and our intake team is standing by.
Hidden Costs Associated with Farm Worker Injury
The costs associated with farm worker injury can be varied, and many workers do not have the foresight to appreciate the different costs that they should anticipate, underscoring the need for legal representation.
Some of the Immediate Costs Include:
Medical Bills
This could encompass things such as hospitalization and emergency care, which can include things like the cost of emergency room care, hospital stays, surgeries and follow-up appointments. These costs quickly add up, and without legal representation, you might find yourself being exploited by the insurance company who bullies you to accept a low offer not knowing the impact of the same. For this, expect to spend anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000, particularly if surgery is involved.
Rehabilitation Costs
After an injury, you may be required to learn to walk again or navigate your world keeping in mind your injuries and their aftermath. To this end, you may need to undergo physical and occupational therapy, as well as counseling services. A session can be anywhere from $50 to $300 each, and you may need multiple sessions each month or until you attain maximum medical improvement.
Lost Wages
You may have to spend time off work in order to recover and as such, may miss out on standard pay, leading to significant financial strain. Missing just two weeks of work may take you closer to financial ruin especially if you are living paycheck to paycheck, with little to no savings. If you suffered a permanent disability, long-term financial losses may destabilize you, forcing you to downgrade your life and deal with new financial stresses you never even thought possible.
Best Injured Farm Worker Lawyers – Call Us Today!
Other costs you should consider after sustaining injuries as a farm worker include the cost of transportation to and from medical appointment or rehabilitation sessions, as well as to a therapist’s office. Home adjustments may also be needed such as the installation of handrails and ramps which can be costly and not be considered by the insurance company.
For a comprehensive list of all the costs you may encounter after an agricultural worker injury and how to expedite the compensation process, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.