The Impact of BAC Levels in Seeking Compensation as a Drunk Driving Victim

Driving under the influence is not only frowned upon, but it is also illegal in all states across the country. Operating a vehicle while intoxicated may not seem like a big deal especially for the perpetrator at the time, but the reality is that any form of cognitive impairment will increase the likelihood of an accident occurring and other roads sustaining injuries. A driver suspected of being inebriated by alcohol may be stopped and asked to blow into a device which measures the blood alcohol level via detecting the level of compounds in their breath, and this information is used to determine whether they were over the BAC limit as well as the legal consequences of going over said limit. These limits vary from one state to the next, but it is generally agreed upon that drivers should generally not drink and drive, and that they should have a designated driver or hire a rideshare vehicle so they are able to get back home safe.
All road users are legally obligated to act in a manner so as to maintain as certain duty of care towards other road users. Should they act in a manner deemed negligent leading to the occurrence of a preventable accident and subsequent injuries, they may be held liable for these injuries via civil suit meant to compensate the injured party and make them whole again. While these cases may seem simple, the reality is that they are nuanced and may involved multiple parties and insurance companies, and your injuries may last for a while, meaning that you will require maximum compensation. To this end, working with a best drunk driving injuries law firm is your best bet at receiving maximum compensation, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best drunk driving victim injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced drunk driving injury attorneys at McCready Law collectively possess over 90 YEARS of stellar legal experience handling these and other cases, and it would be an honor to put this experience to work on your claim. Over the decades, we’ve helped tens of thousands of injured individuals from all walks of life and across the country, and we’ve recovered over $260 million in the process. Our unique selling proposition that you will not find in other firms is our commitment to recovering maximum compensation for our injured clients by litigating cases which demonstrate merit. In most circumstances, litigation is the only means by which one can recover a sizeable compensation amount due to the higher standards that are required when it comes to proving negligence in litigation.
In contrast, most law firms simply choose the easy way out which involves engaging the insurance company in settlement negotiations which ends up in the injured individual getting a paltry offer and shortchanged at the end of the process. In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of referral attorneys and law firms, we also run a bilingual firm (hablamos Espanol) and take on all cases on contingency fee basis which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of the claim as we will only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation of your behalf. If you were injured by a drunk driver, please give us a call TODAY at (314) 481-63338 for your 100% FREE legal consultation with one of our compassionate and experienced attorneys – our intake team is standing by.
What’s the Blood Alcohol Limit in Most States?
On average, the BAC limit for drivers is set at 0.08% in the majority of states. However, this figure is subject to consideration taking into account the age of the driver, whether they were private or commercial drivers at the time of the accident, and so on. Exceeding this limit is a presumption of negligence and grounds for a civil lawsuit, which will help injured individuals seeking compensation.
Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream depending on factors such as gender, food consumption and weight. The liver then metabolizes this alcohol at around one standard drink per hour. This means that even if you stop drinking, your BAC levels may stay elevated for a certain amount of time thereafter. BAC isn’t only detected via one’s breath; it can be detected via your urine tests as well as blood, and each of these methods has varying levels of accuracy.
It is important to state that despite the national limit being 0.08%. Utah has a 0.05 limit, and Arizona and Colorado have zero tolerance policies for underage drivers whereby any BAC level would be grounds for civil or criminal action.
How Will BAC Levels Affect My Drunk Driving Injury Compensation?
BAC levels may impact the type of compensation you may be able to recover as the injured party. Specifically, you may be able to recover damages related t medical expenses as a result of your injuries, lost wages due to time taken off work on account of your injuries, pain and suffering due to emotional distress, and so on. In addition, if the BAC levels are higher than normal, your settlement amount will generally be higher as well. In addition, higher BAC levels may sway jury opinions as they may be of the opinion that the defendant may have acted with a greater level of negligence and disregard for other road users.
Best Drunk Driving Injury Lawyers – Call Us Today!
Cases involving drunk drivers can be complex and may affect the trajectory of your life going forward. Most of the individuals who cause injury due to their decision to drink and drive often have prior charges of the same, so it is vital that you act decisively so that these individuals are punished appropriately and are dissuaded from carrying out the same action in the future. If you were a victim of drunk driving, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more abut your legal options for justice and compensation. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.