
Thinking of Settling an Injury Claim Without a Lawyer? Read This First

We’ve been taught to be proactive and figure things out by ourselves from a young age; after all, that’s the pioneering spirit our forefathers impressed upon generations and generations of Americans. We often get asked – I would like to represent myself in a personal injury claim; how can I do this? Or, we often see articles online instructing injured individuals on settling a personal injury claim with an insurance company. How to settle a car accident claim without a lawyer, to put it bluntly, is one of the most foolhardy things you can ever do for reasons we’ll take a look shortly.

Are you looking for more information on how to negotiate an insurance settlement for a car, or would you like to know how to negotiate an insurance settlement without a lawyer? Before you do anything that you will regret later, please call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about the whole process. Our experienced countrywide injury attorneys have information that may not be in the public domain regarding how to get the most money from a car accident, and how to win a car accident claim thanks to their 70+ years of experience representing thousands of injured individuals. Don’t take reckless risks and think about going it alone: call us TODAY at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about how we can help.

According to the law, you have the right to represent yourself in a court of law. That said, just because you can do something does not mean that you should. A lot of people who have been injured in a car accident are looking at a pile of medical and other bills as well as lost wages thinking – “I can’t afford an injury attorney with all these bills! How can I keep most of the settlement money to myself without involving a lawyer?” This kind of thinking is reasonable, but it is not advisable. First of all, attorneys have experience, and nothing beats that, especially if they have a track record of winning injury claims for their clients. You most likely have zero experience except for what you know from highly edited episodes of shows such as “Judge Judy” and “The People’s Court” which are in essence small claims court that handle minor cases that don’t go all the way to trial or have the insurance company involved.

You’ll Most Likely Lose Out on Tens of Thousands of Dollars

A serious car accident will run you in the tens of thousands of dollars if you’re lucky, and, if there were catastrophic injuries, hundreds of thousands of dollars that you could potentially be foregoing by representing yourself. The defense attorney will most likely counter and invalidate your arguments and claims straight out the gate, and the insurance company will lowball you and get you to sign an ambiguous document that will make it impossible for you to recover damages at a future date.

Going it Alone Locks You Out of Resources

Another reason why you shouldn’t think of representing yourself in a personal injury lawsuit is the fact that you don’t have the resources a personal injury law firm has at their disposal. You will need an investigative team that will look into every facet of the case in order to cover bases on your behalf so your legal arguments hold up in court. Investigation is expensive and time-consuming, but it is worth it in the end when your case is settled for tens of thousands of dollars, and not an amount south of a thousand dollars.

The Emotional Exhaustion Can Do You In

Lastly, but certainly not least, representing yourself in a personal injury lawsuit is a terrible idea because you have no inkling of the legal procedures that surround a personal injury claim. You will need to set time apart to go to court multiple times for certain motions, attend depositions, file complicated documents, put up with interrogatories and so on: all these can leave you emotionally exhausted and ready to quit at any moment. Lawyers who have the experience when it comes to personal injury law do these every day, and they’ve grown immune to the emotionally exhausting aspects of filing and seeing through injury cases.

Still Not Convinced? Talk To Us For Free!

We know you may still think you can do it on your own; however, it doesn’t hurt to speak with an experienced injury attorney first so you can get an accurate and realistic picture of what you may be facing. Please contact us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to speak with one of our friendly injury attorneys at NO COST to you to learn more about how we can help take the stress off the whole process. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.