
Thinking of Switching From OWCP To OPM Retirement Benefits? Start Here

A lot of injured workers, after having been on OWCP benefits and nearing the period of maximum medical improvement may consider applying for OPM disability. This could be due to the extent of their injuries which may have left them with substantial disabilities, or the fact that they may be approaching an age where working at a certain capacity may be neither feasible nor realistic.

Are you looking for an OPM benefits attorney? McCready, Garcia and Leet have been working with injured postal workers and other federal workers to help get them the compensation they duly deserve to help tide them through understandably hard times after suffering life-changing injuries. Whether this is your first time applying for OPM or you need information on schedule award benefits, we’re here for you: please call us NOW at (773) 825-3651 to learn more about your legal options for compensation and speak with our OPM lawyers at no cost to you.

Advantages of OPM Benefits

The great thing about OPM benefits is that is replaces your salary at a time when you’re unable to work. You’re also eligible for these benefits whether or not your injuries occurred at work. This is important to note because federal workers’ compensation benefits doled out by OWCP require that you suffer an injury while on the job to become eligible.

Safeguard Your Future – Apply for Both Compensation Plans!

A little known secret of the federal government is that OWCP loves saving the government money, which all sounds great, until you discover that they do this by removing people from OWCP benefits on a regular basis without prior notice. Those that never sought out legal representation for federal workers’ compensation benefits may find themselves out in the cold when they discover that the regulations require them to have applied for OPM benefits within a year after having suffered their disabling injuries. As a rule of thumb, we usually ask our clients to apply for both OWCP benefits and OPM at the same time so that when the time comes for you to move to OPM benefits, you will be able to do so without risking termination of benefits.

OWCP or OPM Benefits – Which One Should You, Choose?

It is also important to state that OWCP benefits are usually more substantial than OPM benefits. To this end, we advise our injured federal worker clients to continue receiving the former until a time when they would like to move on to federal disability retirement benefits.

Need Expert Help? We’re Only a Phone Call Away!

Given the complexities surrounding the legal requirements for both federal workers’ compensation and federal disability retirement, we’d like to speak with you so we can help you chart a clear way forward and assist you in getting the maximum amount of compensation allowed by law. Please contact us NOW at (773) 825-3651 for more information on your legal options for compensation as an injured federal worker. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.