Three Vital Questions to Ask a Wrongful Death Attorney

When a loved one dies, all manner of questions start flying around in our heads, and the grief can be debilitating. Deaths tend to be unexpected, and a lot of times, someone else’s negligence or lack of action may have caused the death. It is important to know that the law is on your side when it comes to a wrongful death via the making it possible for you to recover money damages so you can get on with your life as well as make you whole again, whatever that may look like with regard to your wellbeing and closure.
Are you looking for an experienced wrongful death law firm? The attorneys at McCready Law have for over 90 YEARS helped people just like you get the justice and compensation they need. We believe in helping individuals who have lost loved ones get some form of closure via the filing of a wrongful death claim which will not only help you take care of the medical bills and funeral costs, but also provide some cushioning for the future with regard to psychological and emotional health thanks to damages such as pain and suffering, loss of companionship and so much more. Please call our best wrongful death attorneys NOW at (773) 825-3605. The call is ABSOLUTELY FREE, and there’s no legal obligation. We work on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that we don’t charge you anything as we handle your case, and only do so when we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. McCready Law, the nation’s premier wrongful death attorneys, serving all wrongful death survivors countrywide.
Here are some of the vital questions to ask a wrongful death attorney:
Do I Really Have a Wrongful Death Claim?
It is important to know from the get-go if you have a valid claim. A wrongful death attorney during the first few consultations will look at the factors surrounding the death of your loved one and provide you with an honest assessment of your case. This will involve establishing negligence, as well as determining whether the defendant has the resources or sufficient insurance to aid in the filing of the suit.
What are Some of the Challenges We Might Face With the Claim?
Of course, your attorney is not a crystal ball reader; neither should you expect them to be. However, if they have the prerequisite experience handling cases such as yours, then they must have noticed a running or common theme in all the cases. For instance, getting sufficient evidence may take time as court orders may have to be obtained and served, so patience on your part may be needed.
What Damages Can I Recover?
A wrongful death attorney worth his or her salt must have a dollar amount with regard to your particular case, and they must be able to list some of the things you can sue for, such as lost wages, medical costs, funeral costs, pain and suffering and so on.
Experienced Wrongful Death Lawyers – Call Us Now!
Ready to speak with our experienced wrongful death attorneys? Please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-3605 to learn more about your legal options. Thanks and we look forward to helping you.