Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits – File Your Claim Here Today

A transvaginal mesh is usually installed into a woman’s vaginal canal and helps with certain medical conditions such as incontinence, weak pelvic floor muscles as well as cervical prolapse caused by a genetic predisposition, the after-effects of labor and stress. These devices are small, convenient and don’t need to be implanted by way of major surgery, making them a hit with hundreds of thousands of women across the country.
Transvaginal Mesh and Inflammation
A transvaginal mesh, by all intents and purposes, is a foreign object. The body reacts to these kinds of objects due to the fact that it senses they are a threat to the person. As a result, the body may ramp up inflammatory compounds called cytokines in an effort to remove the mesh from the body. In addition, these devices have a tendency to shift from their original position due to poor installation and design defects, leading to nearby organ perforation.
It’s not uncommon for women fitted with transvaginal meshes to complain of mysterious and unrelenting pain and a host of other alien symptoms.
Transvaginal mesh complications include:
- Heavy bleeding during periods
- Pelvic pain and inflammation
- Fistula formation and infection from fecal seepage
- Urinary tract infections
- Painful sex
- Vaginal scarring
Transvaginal Mesh Lawyers – Call to File Today!
The FDA received thousands of complaints between 2005 and 2010 regarding the adverse effects of these devices from affected women, prompting them to issue a national advisory regarding the dangers associated with transvaginal mesh products in the market. Doctors are still recommending the implantation of these devices whose long-term side effects haven’t been fully studied. Correcting the damage inflicted by transvaginal meshes isn’t cheap, and you may need numerous surgeries to be whole again.
It’s thus in your best interest to file a transvaginal mesh lawsuit to recover compensation so you can get the best corrective medical care you can afford. Please call and speak to our attorney today on 877-561-3004 for your free and confidential consultation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing from you.