
Underinsured motorist mistake brings legal malpractice case

An underinsured motorist mistake brings legal malpractice case.  McCready Law recently accepted a legal malpractice case against a divorce lawyer who accepted an easy policy limit automobile case. The client had serious injuries which far exceeded the $20,000 insurance policy. The lawyer accepted the offer of the policy limits but never asked the client about underinsured motorist coverage. The client had underinsured motorist limits of $100,000 which the lawyer never even asked about.

To present an underinsured motorist claim, you must notify the underinsured carrier BEFORE accepting the policy limits of the at fault driver. By failing to do so, the divorce lawyer cost the client $80,000 (the balance available for the underinsured motorist policy). What appeared to be a quick and easy settlement of a personal injury case has turned into a legal malpractice case against the original lawyer.

Underinsured motorist mistake brings legal malpractice case

McCready Law handles personal injury, underinsured motorist insurance cases as well as legal malpractice cases.  To discuss your case, please feel free to e-mail us or call for a no obligation consultation at 773-779-9885.