Unknown Secrets to USPS Workers’ Compensation Process

The USPS is a federal arm of the government hiring over 600,000 individuals. It is also one of the most accident-prone types of federal jobs, and what complicates issues is the cavalier and inhumane way OWCP handles injured postal workers. A few years ago, over 44,000 injured postal workers were let go of by the government after it alleged that these individuals did not have supporting evidence to show they sustained injuries on the job. That being said, you as an injured federal worker have inalienable rights under the FECA legal statute that entitles you to compensation.
Are you an injured postal worker worried about the reporting procedure and where to start with your compensation process? For over two decades, McCready Law has fought for the rights of injured federal workers all over the country and won. Wherever you are in the country, we can help you recover compensation as an injured postal worker. Whether you have a temporary injury or suffered a disabling, permanent injury, we can help get you a schedule award, FERS disability retirement and so much more. Please call (773) 825-3547 TODAY to speak with a best injured postal worker attorney at NO COST to you.
As an injured postal worker, you are entitled to the following benefits:
- Continuation or Pay for up to 45 days
- A schedule award for permanent loss of use of an arm, leg or organ
- Wage loss compensation
- Cost of medical care
- Vocational rehabilitation
Injured postal workers must make sure to seek medical treatment from someone who understands OWCP protocol and demands when it comes to how a medical report should be written. OWCP requires that you show direct causation between your injuries and the performance of a specific work duty that cased the injuries.
In addition, postal workers can file for compensation for occupational injuries such as:
- Infections that are systemic
- Exposure to toxic fumes, poisons and dangerous substances
- Stressful work environment leading to emotional or mental health issues
In addition to qualify for OWCP compensation for occupational injuries, however, it is important that the postal worker be systematically exposed to the offending compound or environment for more than a single work shift or one day.
Best Lawyers for Injured Postal Workers – Call Us Today!
It is important to hit the ground running when you’re an injured postal worker. Fill in form CA-1 and CA-2 and present the first to your supervisor notifying them of your injury. Once you’ve done that, please contact our best injured postal worker attorneys at (773) 825-3547to discover how we can best help you get your compensation on time, as well as cover any and all incidentals in the future. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.