
What To Do If You Fall Into a Grain Bin – McCready Law

A lot of states that depend on agriculture as part of their revenue use grain bins, or grain silos extensively. These are used in the storage of grain such as corn, wheat and beans for drying or as it waits in transit to be processed or transported to a different location. Grain bin workers are at risk of injury due to the fact that it is virtually impossible to extricate oneself from a grain bin should they fall into it. In fact, it takes just 10 seconds to become completely engulfed in a grain bin, leading to a fatality. That being said, these accidents don’t just happen out of the blue, and human negligence is often attributed to them, making it vital that those that are responsible face the full extent of the law by way of a personal injury lawsuit.

Are you looking for a grain bin injury lawyer? If you or a loved one fell into a grain silo and suffered injuries, you may be able to recover substantial financial compensation that will go a long way in paying for treatment costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, mental anguish and so much more. The lawyers at McCready Law collectively possess over 90 YEARS of legal experience, and we’ve helped thousands get the justice and compensation they deserve. If you’d like your FREE consultation, please give us a call TODAY at (773) 673-9861 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We take on cases on a contingency fee basis, so you pay no upfront fees until we recover compensation on your behalf.

Grain Silo Accidents – How Do They Happen?

Grain silos are found in both family and commercial farms. They are fed by an auger, a machine that directs the grain into the mouth of the silo. When grain is in the process of being inserted into the bin, pressure is created, leaving a vacuum that may potentially suck any worker that may be in the grain, leading to their engulfment. It is important to understand that engulfment is very hard to extricate yourself from given the slippery nature of any grain in a silo, which creates a quicksand effect.

To this end, OSHA, a government safety agency has instituted grain silo safety protocol:

Grain Silo Accident Lawyers – Call Us Today!

As a worker that has been injured in a grain bin, you will be able to receive workers’ compensation as well as file a third-party claim against for instance manufacturers of safety equipment or any machinery that had a defect which caused your injury. That said, it is important to speak with a grain silo injury attorney FIRST before even approaching your supervisors or managers. This will help preserve the integrity of your case and make it possible for you to recover maximum compensation. Please contact our grain bin accident attorneys NOW at (773) 673-9861 to receive your 100% FREE consultation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.