Who Is At Fault in Chicago Backup Accidents?

Your typical car has a blind spot, making it difficult for the driver to accurately see what’s going on at the back of the car. That being said, a car having a blind spot doesn’t absolve an individual of blame should they cause an accident leading to injury in the case of a backup car accident event. Chicago car accidents can sometimes happen at parking lots, where negligent drivers fail to accurately gauge the distance of other vehicles due to distracted driving such as using their phones while reversing, or engaging in conversation with passengers while backing up.
Are you looking for a car backup accident lawyer in Illinois? Call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your legal options for compensation. The attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table over 60 years of trial and insurance company negotiations experience to help you win your case with as little hassle as possible. Don’t take our word for it: ask us to prove it – call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for your 100% FREE legal consultation into personal injury lawsuits in Chicago.
Car Backup Accident Statistics
The NHTSA, or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that over 30,000 backing accidents happen each year, and that 18,000 back over injury events occur during any given year. In addition, 400 people lose their lives during such accidents, with most of the victims being the elderly and children. It is important to note that this number may actually be much higher than reported as a lot of these accidents occur within private properties, and are therefore marked as non-traffic vehicular accidents.
What Should I Do If A Car Backs Into Mine?
The first instinct in such Chicago car accidents would be to call the police. That being said, the police, whose duty it is to ensure your safety, may not respond to a car accident that happens within private property or in a parking lot since it is typically assumed that these accidents do not result in serious injuries. In addition, they pose little to no danger to the safety of the public, and would be better handled by a Chicago car accident attorney in conjunction with the respective insurance companies.
Right after a backing-car accident in Chicago, take down the following information:
- The name of the driver or the individual it is registered to
- Passenger names
- The model, make as well as the license plate number
- Detailed insurance information such as policy number, company as well as a claims number
Use your Smartphone camera to take detailed and extensive photos as well as video footage of any damage, the location itself, and anything you think may be of help in your Illinois accident lawsuit. Do NOT call or respond to any insurance company calls because you may be cheated out of substantial compensation. Contact us first at 1 (773) 825-3547 and we’ll help with insurance negotiations so you get maximum compensation in line with the extent of the vehicle damage as well as any injuries, if any.
Experienced Car Accident Attorneys in Chicago – Call Us Now!
When it comes to liability, we will explore the legal construct of negligence to determine if the driver that caused the backup accident acted in a reasonable manner in comparison to other drivers when the accident happened. We may ask nearby business establishments for CCTV footage in order to determine if the driver was drunk, not paying attention, did not use indicators, was fatigued and so on in order to determine negligence. You may be eligible for compensation in the form of damages for lost wages, medical bills, cost of repairing your car and so much more once we create a compelling case on your behalf. Need more information on backup accident lawsuits in Chicago? Contact us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We look forward to hearing from you.